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Top Journals (by articles)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of the American Statistical Association23,2551,260,31611
2Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods12,331119,17311
3Statistics in Medicine10,954531,28711
4Statistics and Probability Letters9,39793,57211
6Advances in Applied Probability6,70496,59611
7Computational Statistics and Data Analysis6,673157,49311
8Review of Economics and Statistics6,581465,68011
9American Statistician6,153168,29211
10Annals of Statistics5,909497,52111
11Jahrbucher Fur Nationalokonomie Und Statistik4,6838,35811
12Journal of Applied Statistics4,04852,10011
13Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics3,17154,46511
14Journal of Risk and Insurance3,08050,90611
15Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics2,70897,81211
16Journal of the Royal Statistical Society2,56315,63811
17Statistical Papers2,45421,01611
19Statistica Neerlandica1,97719,93211
20Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics1,95622,32111
21International Statistical Review1,95352,94211
22Statistical Science1,927120,80511
23Electronic Journal of Statistics1,91523,20711
24Lecture Notes in Statistics1,85917,84611
25Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society1,79112,10411
26British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology1,64453,05211
27Journal of Statistics and Management Systems1,5474,96411
28Journal of Informetrics1,39854,58111
29Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin1,3683,91811
31Pharmaceutical Statistics1,14219,31811
33Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods1,09610,83511
34Handbook of Statistics1,07914,05611
35Statistical Methods and Applications9638,06911
36Sequential Analysis9626,44211
37Statistica Sinica9255,05411
38Open Journal of Statistics8513,92311
39Revue De L'Institut International De Statistique8118,87311
40Journal of the Korean Statistical Society8014,72311
41Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society80021,28411
42Journal of Mathematics and Statistics7933,57011
44Histoire Et Mesure6511,78611
45Statistical Journal of the IAOS63699611
46Stochastic Models54311,53111
47Statistical Methodology5427,80111
48Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics5412,81811
49Trabajos De Estadística Y De Investigación Operativa5191,88211
50Publications of the American Statistical Association4981,85211
51Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research4602,33711
52Journal of Official Statistics4333,05811
53AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis4285,28411
54Journal of the Japan Statistical Society3532,18211
55Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association34632211
56Sankhya A3161,35911
57Przegląd Statystyczny29329311
59Sankhya B2861,47211
60Voprosy Statistiki27231711
61Annales De L'inséé2701,11511
62AStA Wirtschafts- Und Sozialstatistisches Archiv2451,05711
63International Trade Statistics Yearbook243511
64Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology2396,01911
65Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application2188,97511
67Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science19665711
68Statistical Theory and Related Fields19443511
69Social Panorama of Latin America1632611
70Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics14742611
71Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics14364511
72Statistics, Politics, and Policy13566711
73Statistics and Public Policy (Philadelphia, Pa )1221,19411
74Cogent Mathematics & Statistics10041411
75South African Statistical Journal858211
76Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics8215011
77American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics4717011
78Understanding Statistics464,32511
79Arbeiten Zur Angewandten Statistik32010
80International Journal of Statistics and Applications278411
81Report on the World Social Situation233511
82Advances in Statistics1928311
83Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics18811
84SOP Transactions on Statistics and Analysis172811
85RMS: Research in Mathematics & Statistics142611
86Open Statistics122411
87Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences91211
88Anuario Estadístico De América Latina Y El Caribe8010
89Statistische Hefte1711