8.6K(top 2%)
75.8K(top 2%)
87(top 2%)
174(top 2%)
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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Gender in Management | 1,175 |
2 | Journal of Women's History | 877 |
3 | Women's Studies International Forum | 559 |
4 | Signs | 394 |
5 | SSRN Electronic Journal | 356 |
6 | Historische Geschlechterforschung | 352 |
7 | Gender, Technology and Development | 313 |
8 | Sustainability | 307 |
9 | Gender and History | 302 |
10 | Gender, Place, and Culture | 286 |
11 | Hypatia | 268 |
12 | Gender, Work and Organization | 260 |
13 | History Compass | 242 |
14 | Economic History Review | 224 |
15 | Gender and Society | 207 |
16 | Critical Studies in Media and Communication | 196 |
17 | Women's History Review | 185 |
18 | Frontiers in Psychology | 172 |
19 | Feminist Media Studies | 169 |
20 | Australian Feminist Studies | 165 |
21 | Feminist Review | 155 |