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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering4,646301,95211
2Data and Knowledge Engineering2,00851,63511
3Empirical Software Engineering1,67149,94911
4Software Engineering Notes: an Informal Newsletter of the Special Interest Committee on Software Engineering / ACM4,50238,13111
5Requirements Engineering58418,71211
6Natural Language Engineering78917,65711
8International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering1,52012,80011
9Automated Software Engineering64212,17311
10Journal of Software: Evolution and Process8628,16311
11Software Engineering Journal4088,14511
12IET Software6767,46711
13Software Process Improvement and Practice4116,61711
14Journal of Software Engineering and Applications1,0326,45411
15IET Software2845,57311
16Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering644,68911
17Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering4614,51711
18IEEE Concurrency2043,77211
19International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology3482,79911
20International Journal of Agent Oriented Software Engineering1321,16711
21International Journal of Software Innovation39095611
22Advances in Software Engineering7271011
23Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development7769811
24International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management18860611
25Reverse Engineering (WCRE), Working Conference on3760511
26International Journal of Secure Software Engineering11850111
272011 IEEE 34th Software Engineering Workshop2719111
28International Journal of People-Oriented Programming3614911
29International Journal of Systems and Software Security and Protection477711
30International Journal of Software Engineering153711
31E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal252111
32International Journal of End-User Computing and Development121911