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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1American Journal of International Law21,37578,71711
2Review of International Studies1,81052,25411
3European Journal of International Law2,06044,99411
4International and Comparative Law Quarterly7,02630,78011
5Leiden Journal of International Law1,85616,60511
6International Journal of Constitutional Law1,33111,66111
7International Legal Materials4,8976,21011
8Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies5735,22611
9Annuaire Francais De Droit International2,3954,97511
10Journal of Conflict and Security Law5554,76411
11Netherlands International Law Review1,9334,51211
12British Year Book of International Law1,2834,43311
13Chinese Journal of International Law8343,90411
14Netherlands Yearbook of International Law3832,87411
15Journal of Legal History5662,74711
16International Law Reports6,7732,38011
17International Studies1,2122,32511
18Global Constitutionalism2522,10711
19Transnational Legal Theory3361,71911
20Ius Gentium9741,50211
21Canadian yearbook of international law Annuaire canadien de droit international, The1,2841,34811
22Asian Journal of International Law3771,27211
23King's Law Journal5591,27011
24London Review of International Law1811,24111
25Indiana International & Comparative Law Review5191,13811
26British Journal of International Studies11696111
27African Journal of International and Comparative Law46686711
28Archiv Des Völkerrechts56674911
29Archiv Des Oeffentlichen Rechts80971111
30Tilburg Law Review37169711
31Revue Critique De Droit International PrivÉ80965211
32Global Jurist33863411
33Zeitschrift Fuer Oeffentliches Recht72462111
34Anuario Mexicano De Derecho Internacional55050211
35Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1921)1,59646511
36Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases2,04643611
37Chinese Journal of Comparative Law17941711
38Moscow Journal of International Law1,54028111
39Indonesian Journal of International Law48622511
40Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases1,92820811
41Indian Journal of International Law8017311
42KMI International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries11715911
43Revista española de derecho internacional40415211
44Michigan Journal of International Law8014711
45Nordic Journal of International Law8114511
46Zeitschrift Fuer Auslaendisches Oeffentliches Recht Und Voelkerrecht12613811
47Reports of International Arbitral Awards - United Nations42013011
48Utrecht Law Review5311311
49Journal of the History of International Law619311
50Quebec Journal of International Law4948411
51Yearbook of the International Law Commission, United Nations4637611
52Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1907)4477111
53Peking University Law Journal965511
54Report of the International Law Commission1454311
55International Community Law Review1114111
56European Law Review354011
57International Law Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional393111
58ACDI Anuario Colombiano De Derecho Internacional192611
59Anuario EspaÑol De Derecho Internacional262311
60Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa491811
61Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the Meeting of Its Executive Council271311
62Revista Peruana De Derecho Internacional2161011
62International Community Law Review281011
64Seoul International Law Jornal86911
65German Yearbook of International Law84711
65Korea International Law Review111711
67Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals24611
67Revista Brasileira De Direito Internacional - RBDI88611
67The Korean Journal of International Law86611
70Moscow Journal of International Law31411
71Scandinavian Studies in Law39311