# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | The multi-level perspective on sustainability transitions: Responses to seven criticisms | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2011 | 1,860 |
2 | ESG and financial performance: aggregated evidence from more than 2000 empirical studies | Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment | 2015 | 1,713 |
3 | An agenda for sustainability transitions research: State of the art and future directions | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2019 | 1,486 |
4 | The Porter Hypothesis at 20: Can Environmental Regulation Enhance Innovation and Competitiveness? | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2013 | 1,043 |
5 | Demystifying the environmental Kuznets curve: turning a black box into a policy tool | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 886 |
6 | The environmental Kuznets curve: an empirical analysis | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 803 |
7 | Putting the sharing economy into perspective | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2017 | 708 |
8 | Engaging with the politics of sustainability transitions | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2011 | 643 |
9 | The geography of sustainability transitions: Review, synthesis and reflections on an emergent research field | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2015 | 620 |
10 | Social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems: modeling and policy implications | Environment and Development Economics | 2013 | 558 |
11 | Exploring the governance and politics of transformations towards sustainability | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2017 | 550 |
12 | Instrument Choice in Environmental Policy | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2008 | 544 |
13 | The distributional impact of climate change on rich and poor countries | Environment and Development Economics | 2006 | 528 |
14 | Sustainability and the measurement of wealth | Environment and Development Economics | 2012 | 506 |
15 | The Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Competitiveness | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2017 | 483 |
16 | The global nitrous oxide budget revisited | Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management | 2011 | 482 |
17 | Bridging the Energy Efficiency Gap: Policy Insights from Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2014 | 472 |
18 | What drives eco-innovation? A review of an emerging literature | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2016 | 469 |
19 | Whose Knowledge, Whose nature? Biodiversity, Conservation, and the Political Ecology of Social Movements | Journal of Political Ecology | 1998 | 457 |
20 | Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analysing motivations for intended sharing economy participation | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2017 | 454 |
21 | The Economic Impacts of Climate Change | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2018 | 443 |
22 | The Rebound Effect and Energy Efficiency Policy | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2016 | 426 |
23 | Innovation system analyses and sustainability transitions: Contributions and suggestions for research | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2011 | 417 |
24 | Net national product, wealth, and social well-being | Environment and Development Economics | 2000 | 414 |
25 | Using Weather Data and Climate Model Output in Economic Analyses of Climate Change | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2013 | 410 |
26 | Progress on the environmental Kuznets curve? | Environment and Development Economics | 1998 | 408 |
27 | A grassroots sustainable energy niche? Reflections on community energy in the UK | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2014 | 400 |
28 | Technological innovation systems in contexts: Conceptualizing contextual structures and interaction dynamics | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2015 | 394 |
29 | Issues in sustainable transportation | International Journal of Global Environmental Issues | 2006 | 386 |
30 | Environmental innovation and societal transitions: Introduction and overview | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2011 | 373 |
31 | Fat-Tailed Uncertainty in the Economics of Catastrophic Climate Change | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2011 | 367 |
32 | Space and scale in socio-technical transitions | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2012 | 356 |
33 | Freedom, growth, and the environment | Environment and Development Economics | 2000 | 351 |
34 | The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Seeking Empirical Regularity and Theoretical Structure | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2010 | 348 |
35 | Payments for environmental services and the poor: concepts and preliminary evidence | Environment and Development Economics | 2008 | 340 |
36 | Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Household Consumption and Poverty | Economics of Disasters and Climate Change | 2020 | 332 |
37 | The Effectiveness of Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement: A Review of the Empirical Evidence | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2011 | 329 |
38 | To Tax or Not to Tax: Alternative Approaches to Slowing Global Warming | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2007 | 327 |
39 | Towards a sufficiency-driven business model: Experiences and opportunities | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2016 | 326 |
40 | Household welfare and forest dependence in Southern Malawi | Environment and Development Economics | 2004 | 320 |
41 | The Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters: A Review of Models and Empirical Studies | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2019 | 319 |
42 | Corruption, growth, and the environment: a cross-country analysis | Environment and Development Economics | 2004 | 315 |
43 | An Even Sterner Review: Introducing Relative Prices into the Discounting Debate | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2008 | 314 |
44 | Resilience and sustainable development | Environment and Development Economics | 2006 | 308 |
45 | Experimenting with a circular business model: Lessons from eight cases | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2018 | 303 |
46 | Factors determining household fuel choice in Guatemala | Environment and Development Economics | 2005 | 299 |
47 | Are environmental Kuznets curves misleading us? The case of CO2 emissions | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 297 |
48 | Invention and Transfer of Climate Change–Mitigation Technologies: A Global Analysis | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2011 | 295 |
49 | What Drives Deforestation and What Stops It? A Meta-Analysis | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2017 | 286 |
50 | Environmental Kuznets Curve for sulfur: evidence using GMM estimation and random coefficient panel data models | Environment and Development Economics | 2003 | 279 |
51 | Resilience in natural and socioeconomic systems | Environment and Development Economics | 1998 | 278 |
52 | Transition versus transformation: What’s the difference? | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2018 | 275 |
53 | Some Contributions of Integrated Assessment Models of Global Climate Change | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2017 | 272 |
54 | Developing a Social Cost of Carbon for US Regulatory Analysis: A Methodology and Interpretation | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2013 | 271 |
55 | The Impact of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme on Regulated Firms: What Is the Evidence after Ten Years? | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2016 | 266 |
56 | Income and the demand for environmental quality | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 262 |
57 | Circular Cities: Mapping Six Cities in Transition | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2018 | 257 |
58 | Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice: the EJAtlas | Journal of Political Ecology | 2015 | 255 |
59 | Testing for environmental Kuznets curves within a developing country | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 254 |
60 | Explaining the environmental Kuznets curve: structural change and international agreements in reducing sulphur emissions | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 251 |
61 | Poverty, development, and environment | Environment and Development Economics | 2010 | 248 |
62 | National environmental performance: an empirical analysis of policy results and determinants | Environment and Development Economics | 2005 | 242 |
63 | The relationship between air pollution emissions and income: US Data | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 239 |
64 | Human Migration in the Era of Climate Change | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2019 | 236 |
65 | Finance for renewable energy: an empirical analysis of developing and transition economies | Environment and Development Economics | 2010 | 235 |
66 | Designing a Carbon Tax to Reduce U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2009 | 231 |
67 | The Use and Misuse of Models for Climate Policy | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2017 | 230 |
68 | Poverty, market imperfections and time preferences: of relevance for environmental policy? | Environment and Development Economics | 1998 | 223 |
69 | On Behavioral-Environmental Economics | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2008 | 222 |
70 | The role of lock-in mechanisms in transition processes: The case of energy for road transport | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2015 | 219 |
71 | Mobility and environmental impacts of car sharing in the Netherlands | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2017 | 219 |
72 | Energy savings via FDI? Empirical evidence from developing countries | Environment and Development Economics | 2010 | 218 |
73 | Natural Disasters and the Economy — A Survey | International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics | 2011 | 218 |
74 | Socio-technical transitions and policy change – Advocacy coalitions in Swiss energy policy | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2016 | 218 |
75 | Uncertainty in Environmental Economics | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2007 | 214 |
76 | Poverty, property rights and collective action: understanding the distributive aspects of common property resource management | Environment and Development Economics | 2005 | 213 |
77 | Measuring sustainable development: progress on indicators | Environment and Development Economics | 1996 | 212 |
78 | The geography of sustainability transitions: Contours of an emerging theme | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2015 | 210 |
79 | The European Union Emissions Trading System: Ten Years and Counting | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2016 | 208 |
80 | The impact of the financial–economic crisis on sustainability transitions: Financial investment, governance and public discourse | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2013 | 205 |
81 | Progress and Challenges in Valuing Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Services | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2012 | 204 |
82 | Introduction to the environmental Kuznets curve special issue | Environment and Development Economics | 1997 | 198 |
83 | Should Governments Use a Declining Discount Rate in Project Analysis? | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2014 | 198 |
84 | Mission-oriented innovation systems | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2020 | 198 |
85 | An Integrated Assessment of Water Markets: A Cross-Country Comparison | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2011 | 197 |
86 | Fuel choices in urban Indian households | Environment and Development Economics | 2007 | 196 |
87 | From Poverty to Disaster and Back: a Review of the Literature | Economics of Disasters and Climate Change | 2020 | 195 |
88 | Human geography and socio-technical transition studies: Promising intersections | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2015 | 194 |
89 | Actor roles in transition: Insights from sociological perspectives | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2017 | 192 |
90 | Sustainability transitions and the state | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2018 | 185 |
91 | Closing the green finance gap – A systems perspective | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2020 | 185 |
92 | Niche construction and empowerment through socio-political work. A meta-analysis of six low-carbon technology cases | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2016 | 184 |
93 | Development, trade, and the environment: how robust is the Environmental Kuznets Curve? | Environment and Development Economics | 2003 | 182 |
94 | Payments for ecosystem services and poverty reduction: concepts, issues, and empirical perspectives | Environment and Development Economics | 2008 | 181 |
95 | Pluralising progress: From integrative transitions to transformative diversity | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2011 | 181 |
96 | Are the poor benefiting from China's land conservation program? | Environment and Development Economics | 2007 | 180 |
97 | Disaster risk, climate change, and poverty: assessing the global exposure of poor people to floods and droughts | Environment and Development Economics | 2018 | 178 |
98 | Transformative innovation and translocal diffusion | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 2020 | 178 |
99 | Risk communication and natural hazard mitigation: how trust influences its effectiveness | International Journal of Global Environmental Issues | 2008 | 174 |
100 | Deforestation slowdown in the Brazilian Amazon: prices or policies? | Environment and Development Economics | 2015 | 170 |