
Most Cited Articles of Nutrition in 1986

The retardation of aging in mice by dietary restriction: longevity, cancer, immunity and lifetime energy intakeJournal of Nutrition1986697
Arginine: biochemistry, physiology, and therapeutic implicationsJournal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition1986410
The biochemical functions of ascorbic acidAnnual Review of Nutrition1986397
Food likes and dislikesAnnual Review of Nutrition1986368
Sensory-specific satietyNutrition Reviews1986331
Biochemical basis for the manifestations of iron deficiencyAnnual Review of Nutrition1986325
Metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acidsAnnual Review of Nutrition1986325
Vitamin D receptors: nature and functionAnnual Review of Nutrition1986300
Linolenate-derived polyunsaturated fatty acids and prevention of atherosclerosisNutrition Reviews1986277
Stimulation of muscle growth by clenbuterol: lack of effect on muscle protein biosynthesisBritish Journal of Nutrition1986255
Metabolism and function of myo-inositol and inositol phospholipidsAnnual Review of Nutrition1986241
Meat flavor volatiles: a review of the composition, techniques of analysis, and sensory evaluationCritical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition1986235
The role of condensed tannins in the nutritional value of Lotus pedunculatus for sheep. 4. Sites of carbohydrate and protein digestion as influenced by dietary reactive tannin concentrationBritish Journal of Nutrition1986232
Effects of capsaicin on lipid metabolism in rats fed a high fat dietJournal of Nutrition1986220
Metabolism, nutrition, and function of carotenoidsAnnual Review of Nutrition1986208
Problems and pitfalls in animal experiments designed to establish dietary requirements for essential nutrientsJournal of Nutrition1986202
n-3 fatty acids in the brain and retina: evidence for their essentialityNutrition Reviews1986195
Protein and amino acid requirements of fishesAnnual Review of Nutrition1986193
Carnitine metabolism and function in humansAnnual Review of Nutrition1986192
Effect of beta-carotene and canthaxanthin on the immune responses of the ratJournal of Nutrition1986191
Impaired wound healing in surgical patients with varying degrees of malnutritionJournal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition1986180
A mechanism for the hypocholesterolaemic activity of saponinsBritish Journal of Nutrition1986180
Effects of maternal dietary intake on human milk compositionJournal of Nutrition1986177
Competitive interaction of iron and zinc in the diet: consequences for human nutritionJournal of Nutrition1986173
Oxalate degradation by gastrointestinal bacteria from humansJournal of Nutrition1986170