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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Risk Analysis | 16,026 |
2 | Journal of Applied Probability | 15,354 |
3 | Advances in Applied Probability | 14,962 |
4 | Stochastic Processes and Their Applications | 13,929 |
5 | Annals of Probability | 11,370 |
6 | SSRN Electronic Journal | 10,088 |
7 | Annals of Applied Probability | 9,829 |
8 | Electronic Journal of Probability | 8,391 |
9 | Probability Theory and Related Fields | 7,704 |
10 | Statistics and Probability Letters | 6,062 |
11 | Lecture Notes in Mathematics | 5,291 |
12 | Journal of Theoretical Probability | 5,076 |
13 | Annales De L'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics | 5,006 |
14 | Bernoulli | 4,832 |
15 | Journal of Risk Research | 4,689 |
16 | Journal of Statistical Physics | 4,287 |
17 | Queueing Systems | 3,921 |
18 | Reliability Engineering and System Safety | 3,665 |
19 | Annals of Statistics | 3,208 |
20 | Zeitschrift Für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Verwandte Gebiete | 3,170 |
21 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 2,964 |