28.5K(top 1%)
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289(top 1%)
431(top 1%)
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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Journal of Environmental Quality | 22,649 |
2 | Science of the Total Environment | 20,597 |
3 | Journal of Applied Ecology | 15,632 |
4 | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment | 13,379 |
5 | PLoS ONE | 10,825 |
6 | Biological Conservation | 10,323 |
7 | Chemosphere | 7,659 |
8 | Journal of Environmental Management | 7,295 |
9 | Environmental Pollution | 7,285 |
10 | Forest Ecology and Management | 7,239 |
11 | Sustainability | 7,195 |
12 | Plant and Soil | 7,193 |
13 | Environmental Science & Technology | 7,148 |
14 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 6,827 |
15 | Water, Air, and Soil Pollution | 6,629 |
16 | Agronomy | 6,432 |
17 | Scientific Reports | 5,746 |
18 | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 5,738 |
19 | Ecological Indicators | 5,507 |
20 | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | 5,347 |
21 | Geoderma | 5,145 |