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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | SSRN Electronic Journal | 1,201 |
2 | Arts Education Policy Review | 1,105 |
3 | Cultural Trends | 808 |
4 | Eighteenth-Century Fiction | 757 |
5 | Empirical Studies of the Arts | 724 |
6 | Frontiers in Psychology | 645 |
7 | Eighteenth-Century Studies | 554 |
8 | ELH - English Literary History | 533 |
9 | Choice Reviews | 507 |
10 | Critical Inquiry | 454 |
11 | Pmla | 422 |
12 | International Journal of Cultural Policy | 384 |
13 | Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts | 377 |
14 | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | 341 |
15 | Art Documentation | 330 |
16 | Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture | 328 |
17 | Theory, Culture and Society | 308 |
18 | Poetics Today | 306 |
19 | Sustainability | 299 |
20 | New Literary History | 298 |
21 | PLoS ONE | 271 |