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Top Journals (by articles)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Mathematical Problems in Engineering20,811140,95611
2International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering11,707474,98911
3Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)6,07037,12611
4Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements5,61479,83811
5Journal of Applied Mathematics3,62724,57711
6Journal of Engineering Mathematics2,72137,62611
7Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering1,9642,69911
8International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics1,76310,18011
9Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering1,73721,68411
10Applicationes Mathematicae1,6262,49411
11International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering1,35922,69911
12International Journal of Computational Methods1,29312,61011
13Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering1,27112,46711
14Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering1,07547,22311
15Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics1,0238,91711
16International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science98812,80611
17Optimization and Engineering88016,82911
18International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering8097,90611
19Networks and Heterogeneous Media7348,57011
20International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics6585,03111
21Analysis and Applications5526,74411
22Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics5293,44311
23International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements50486211
24European Journal of Computational Mechanics4152,82511
25Mathematics in Engineering3041,06311
26International Journal of Computational Engineering Science2641,34411
27Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering2252,64511
28Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification20673611
29Hybrid Methods in Engineering8919411
30Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics7575211
31International Journal of Engineering Mathematics7054811
32Computational Technology Reviews6131611
33Journal of Computational Engineering5526411
34Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics445811
35Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry4017511
36Asia Pacific Journal on Computational Engineering2019211
37Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies165611
38Turkish World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics1411