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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Physical Review D108,7703,585,31911
2Physical Review A90,7692,974,32011
3Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics62,5642,124,09111
4Physical Review C44,4571,081,74311
5Molecular Physics17,729514,98711
6European Physical Journal A18,802415,99211
7European Physical Journal C16,669384,64311
8Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics16,457299,79311
9International Journal of Modern Physics A12,404140,88011
10Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics7,993133,16811
11Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables1,314122,37911
12Modern Physics Letters A11,100119,03911
13Annals of Nuclear Energy11,574116,48111
14Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology14,77294,83711
15Hyperfine Interactions10,30276,94311
16Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics1,90775,31511
17Zeitschrift Für Physik A3,71470,38811
18Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science73365,44811
19Nuclear Technology7,99364,55911
20Chinese Physics C3,96940,04611
21Nuclear Engineering and Technology3,81035,33911
22International Journal of Modern Physics E3,56030,21211
23Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics2,50326,72111
24Physics of Atomic Nuclei5,90124,16011
25Nuclear Data Sheets53418,20211
26Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics37015,66911
27Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli1,68811,01511
28Acta Physica Polonica B2,2549,28311
29EJNMMI Physics5767,82411
30Physics of Particles and Nuclei1,8267,68611
31Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters2,6006,51111
32Journal of Physics A: Mathematical Nuclear and General4935,89311
33Nuclear Data Sheets Section A524,05711
34Zeitschrift Für Physik A, Atomic Nuclei1,0183,97811
35Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings1,8202,99511
36Nuclear Instruments1772,97311
37Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement1,9282,73911
38Nuclear Physics News8812,30311
39Nuclear Applications5551,95611
40Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science8501,90111
41Computing and Software for Big Science1181,86511
42Radiation Detection Technology and Methods3551,40711
43International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology5551,20311
44Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology13282211
45Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy44969811
46PMC Physics A2156511
47Annals of Nuclear Science and Engineering8925811
48Physics of Atomic Nuclei75017211
49GANENDRA Majalah IPTEK Nuklir23511311
50Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics319911
51Вестник НИЯУ МИФИ7297111
52Nuclear Science and Technology2835811
53Advances in the Physics of Particles and Nuclei12411
54He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques19010
54IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record1010