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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | Harvard University | 64,320 |
2 | French National Institute of Health and Medical Research | 48,801 |
3 | Bio-Medical Science (South Korean) | 42,321 |
4 | National Institutes of Health | 40,938 |
5 | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | 28,974 |
6 | University of Pennsylvania | 25,430 |
7 | Brigham and Women's Hospital | 24,962 |
8 | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | 20,842 |
9 | Ohio State University | 20,540 |
10 | University of California, San Francisco | 19,675 |
11 | Stanford University | 19,661 |
12 | University of Melbourne | 19,032 |
13 | First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University | 18,682 |
14 | University of Oxford | 18,449 |
15 | Massachusetts General Hospital | 18,398 |
16 | Karolinska Institute | 17,874 |
17 | Charité | 17,341 |
18 | Washington University School of Medicine | 17,145 |
19 | University of Washington | 17,021 |
20 | Yale University | 16,574 |
21 | University Medical Center | 16,017 |