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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Physical Review B | 2,059,436 |
2 | Physical Review Letters | 332,870 |
3 | Journal of Applied Physics | 305,177 |
4 | Journal of Physics Condensed Matter | 303,359 |
5 | Applied Physics Letters | 200,580 |
6 | Journal of Chemical Physics | 158,905 |
7 | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 135,805 |
8 | Surface Science | 112,130 |
9 | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | 107,125 |
10 | Solid State Communications | 104,571 |
11 | Physica B: Condensed Matter | 103,629 |
12 | Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 97,413 |
13 | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 88,185 |
14 | Physical Review E | 88,017 |
15 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 87,982 |
16 | Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research | 85,378 |
17 | Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications | 82,874 |
18 | Physical Review A | 78,414 |
19 | Scientific Reports | 77,577 |
20 | Applied Surface Science | 62,545 |
21 | Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics | 62,069 |