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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | information school | 55,545 |
2 | Northeastern University | 49,939 |
3 | Harbin Institute of Technology | 42,666 |
4 | Southeast University | 36,408 |
5 | Beihang University | 35,133 |
6 | Chinese Academy of Sciences | 28,153 |
7 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | 26,226 |
8 | Beijing Institute of Technology | 25,854 |
9 | Nanjing University of Science and Technology | 24,825 |
10 | Nanyang Technological University | 24,664 |
11 | Zhejiang University | 24,564 |
12 | Tsinghua University | 23,775 |
13 | Medway School of Science | 22,316 |
14 | Huazhong University of Science and Technology | 19,284 |
15 | Shandong University | 19,143 |
16 | Northwestern Polytechnical University | 17,860 |
17 | City University of Hong Kong | 17,777 |
18 | South China University of Technology | 17,217 |
19 | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 16,793 |
20 | Shandong Airlines | 15,477 |
21 | National University of Singapore | 15,400 |