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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Teaching and Teacher Education4,427198,34411
2Journal of Research in Science Teaching3,968178,87111
3Learning and Instruction1,668108,46511
4Teachers College Record10,60492,06111
5Instructional Science1,34151,70411
6American Journal of Physiology - Advances in Physiology Education1,96534,56211
7Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice1,06433,47611
8Educational Philosophy and Theory2,77930,62311
9Phi Delta Kappan3,61430,30111
10Thinking Skills and Creativity1,29126,28211
11New Directions for Teaching and Learning1,69018,93211
12Journal of Taibah University for Science1,30217,38411
13Journal of Behavioral Education80916,63411
14Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning2,10014,49011
15Clinical Teacher2,09813,27111
16Revue Francaise De Pedagogie2,09013,04611
17Infancia Y Aprendizaje1,5778,27111
18Teacher Educator1,0446,17511
19Estudios Pedagogicos1,1405,26911
20Educar Em Revista1,3334,88311
22Cultura Y Educación9034,54411
23International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research1,5943,70311
24International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies3333,31511
25Cakrawala Pendidikan6451,98811
26Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy5601,76611
27Pegem Egitim Ve Ogretim Dergisi3331,62611
28Higher Education Pedagogies1451,47411
29Advances in Research on Teaching6391,14111
30Educational Practice and Theory34386511
31Journal of Curriculum and Instruction11578611
32Jahrbuch FÜr Paedagogik41964811
33Schools: Studies in Education41864511
34History and Computing (edinburgh)13743911
35Radical Teacher18439911
36Enseñanza & Teaching11632611
37Impacting Education Journal on Transforming Professional Practice17421711
38Nodos Y Nudos49717911
39The National Teaching & Learning Forum35717311
41International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum23813911
42Northwest Journal of Teacher Education16313011
43Revista Polyphonía38710911
44Educação Em Foco3449511
45Zbornik Radova Uciteljskog Fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic1609011
46Teaching and Learning1497611
47The Pedagogical Process Theory and Practice2716611
48Visnik Zaporiz Kogo Naciohai Nogo Universitetu Pedagogicni Nauki2316111
49EducaciÓn, Lenguaje Y Sociedad764611
50Collection of Research Papers Pedagogical Sciences3264211
51Тhe Sources of Pedagogical Skills5684111
52The Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department953911
53Pedagogical Discourse1283411
54Research Notes5873311
55Pedagogìka Ta Psihologìâ612211
56Zbornik Radova192011
57Gumanìzacìâ Navčalʹno-vihovnogo Procesu1641711
58Magistra Iadertina23811
58Teaching and Learning Excellence Through Scholarship30811
60Avesso Do Avesso30411
61Scientific Bulletin of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University Named After K D Ushynsky26010
61Language Teaching Abstracts11010
61Acta Didactica Napocensia1010