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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | Harvard University | 25,157 |
2 | Department of Public Health | 11,971 |
3 | University of Michigan | 10,830 |
4 | Brigham and Women's Hospital | 9,828 |
5 | University of California, San Francisco | 9,584 |
6 | University of Pennsylvania | 9,548 |
7 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 8,412 |
8 | University of Washington | 8,331 |
9 | University of Toronto | 7,860 |
10 | Public Health Institute Ostrava | 7,321 |
11 | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | 7,223 |
12 | Johns Hopkins University | 6,984 |
13 | Stanford University | 6,893 |
14 | Columbia University | 5,991 |
15 | University of Minnesota | 5,807 |
16 | University of California, Los Angeles | 5,650 |
17 | Massachusetts General Hospital | 5,639 |
18 | Boston University | 5,238 |
19 | Duke University | 4,845 |
20 | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | 4,534 |
21 | Emory University | 4,484 |