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144.1K(top 2%)
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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics | 6,134 |
2 | Structural Health Monitoring | 4,983 |
3 | Structural Safety | 4,582 |
4 | Engineering Structures | 4,548 |
5 | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | 3,775 |
6 | Reliability Engineering and System Safety | 3,558 |
7 | Sensors | 2,825 |
8 | Structures | 2,032 |
9 | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | 1,999 |
10 | Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics | 1,785 |
11 | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) | 1,784 |
12 | Structural Control and Health Monitoring | 1,762 |
13 | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | 1,600 |
14 | Smart Materials and Structures | 1,480 |
15 | Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation | 1,429 |
16 | Journal of Structural Engineering | 1,316 |
17 | Composite Structures | 1,307 |
18 | Journal of Sound and Vibration | 1,222 |
19 | Construction and Building Materials | 1,216 |
20 | Thin-Walled Structures | 1,203 |
21 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | 1,155 |