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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems272,3083030
2IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems141,09611595
3Journal of the Franklin Institute321,03047
4IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics1799896126
5Applied Mathematics and Computation169877736
6IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems269772640
7IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control8887479238
9IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers953313460
10International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control165055162
11Nonlinear Dynamics9485182128
12Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems7456153
13IET Control Theory and Applications123382751
14Fuzzy Sets and Systems4281301185
15International Journal of Control2225626164
16Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation12001.5K203
17Neural Networks3161365538
18IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs1313072299
19Information Sciences71272831.5K
20Journal of Systems Science and Complexity112627313
21International Journal of Systems Science3124302153
22Nature Communications110737.6K64.9K
23Science China Information Sciences3104225209
24IEEE Systems Journal5102149484
25International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems1010030118
26Applied Mathematics Letters1931.1K283
27Journal of Proteomics1921.9K1.1K
29IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing3561.1K2.3K
30Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing454157300
31IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics2531.1K1.8K
32Soft Matter1527.5K6.3K
33Physical Review Letters14641.8K54.9K
34Geophysical Research Letters14117.7K19.5K
36Asian Journal of Control240354414
37Neural Processing Letters53935381
38IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering238429648
39Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry2362.0K2.9K
40Journal of Antibiotics1347811.2K
42Journal of Applied Polymer Science12910.5K10.3K
42Child's Nervous System1291.5K1.3K
42ISA Transactions2296282.1K
42Journal of Bioethical Inquiry129160131
46Journal of Physiology1284.8K9.4K
47Science China Technological Sciences1271.1K1.3K
48Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine1261.5K1.9K
48International Journal of Fuzzy Systems226171496
50Signal Processing1251.7K2.3K
51Analytical Sciences1231.0K1.2K
52IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology1226.6K8.1K
52Eye and Vision (London, England)122110202
54IEEE Access32013.4K46.3K
54Nature Reviews Rheumatology1204921.5K
56Knowledge-Based Systems1192.4K4.5K
57OncoTargets and Therapy1181.8K3.9K
58Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications2172.1K5.1K
59Chinese Physics B2155201.2K
59Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie115539887
61Journal of Medical Virology1143.9K8.6K
61Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids114517353
63Medical Oncology1139102.8K
64Journal of Combinatorial Designs112176131
64Cell Systems1125412.8K
66European Physical Journal C11116.9K41.0K
67IET Signal Processing110255564
67Food Security1103191.2K
70International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing49841.2K
71American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology181.9K5.0K
71IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics181.1K2.5K
73International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control17119197
74Abstract and Applied Analysis265271.4K
74Advances in Mathematical Physics16335511
77International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health1535.6K62.9K
77Medical Physics153.5K9.3K
77Systems and Control Letters157561.8K
77Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism151.2K3.4K
77Studies in Systems, Decision and Control45358936
82Journal of the American Ceramic Society135.3K14.4K
82Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control232522.2K
84Desalination and Water Treatment121.7K5.1K
86Expert Systems With Applications116.0K19.5K
86Data in Brief113.2K14.9K
86Graphs and Combinatorics11490973
86IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering412894.2K
90Mathematical Problems in Engineering106.2K25.3K
90IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security209335.7K
90Optimal Control Applications and Methods103371.7K
90IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems107352.1K
90IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification101.9K4.3K
90Al Hikmah1010
90Journal of Research in Pharmacy1034185