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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (15) | Articles (per year) (23) | Citations (Lifetime) (19) | Citations (per year) (119) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (19) | Most Cited Article (per year) (219) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (13) | Low Rankings (per year) (563) |
1st most cited author in International Journal of Cancer (2017) [with 1,612 citations of 2 articles]
1st most published author in Cancer Causes and Control (1999) [with 6 articles having 507 citations]
1st most published author in Cancer Causes and Control (2003) [with 6 articles having 718 citations]
1st most published author in Cancer Causes and Control (2010) [with 6 articles having 267 citations]
2nd most cited author in International Journal of Cancer (2011) [with 1,057 citations of 6 articles]
7th most cited author in International Journal of Cancer (2015) [with 1,233 citations of 8 articles]
15th most cited author in American Journal of Epidemiology (2013) [with 353 citations of 3 articles]
32nd most cited author in American Journal of Epidemiology (2003) [with 244 citations of 1 articles]
60th most cited author in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology (2014) [with 127 citations of 1 articles]