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1st most cited author in Clinical Pharmacology at Lundbeck (2015) [with 127 citations of 1 articles]
6th most cited paper in Oncology at University of Rochester (2018) [with 66 citations of an article]
10th most cited paper in Neurology at Harvard University (2017) [with 2,138 citations of an article]
10th most cited author in Statistics at Rutgers University (2014) [with 180 citations of 1 articles]
13th most cited author in Neurology at University of Milan (2017) [with 229 citations of 1 articles]
13th most cited paper in Surgery at University of Rochester (2017) [with 39 citations of an article]
15th most cited paper in Public Health at Tufts University (2016) [with 157 citations of an article]
16th most cited paper in Neurology at Sydney Medical School (2018) [with 27 citations of an article]
38th most cited author in Neurology at New York University (2018) [with 168 citations of 1 articles]
40th most cited author in Neurology at New York University (2017) [with 238 citations of 1 articles]
47th most cited paper in Neurology at Harvard University (2011) [with 1,037 citations of an article]
53rd most cited paper in Biology at University of Rochester (2017) [with 39 citations of an article]
53rd most cited paper in Neurology at Brain and Mind Centre (2018) [with 27 citations of an article]
62nd most cited paper in Neurology at Harvard University (2016) [with 1,220 citations of an article]
66th most cited author in Public Health at Mayo Clinic (lifetime) [with 515 citations of 2 articles]