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1st most cited author in American Journal of Critical Care (2017) [with 115 citations of 4 articles]
2nd most cited author in Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy (2018) [with 127 citations of 1 articles]
3rd most cited author in American Journal of Critical Care (2010) [with 136 citations of 1 articles]
4th most cited author in Journal of Burn Care and Research (2010) [with 153 citations of 1 articles]
4th most published author in Critical Care Clinics (lifetime) [with 6 articles having 915 citations]
8th most cited author in New England Journal of Medicine (2001) [with 8,440 citations of 1 articles]
16th most cited paper in American Journal of Critical Care (2017) [with 115 citations of an article]
22nd most cited paper in New England Journal of Medicine (1996) [with 1,320 citations of an article]
45th most cited paper in BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care (2019) [with 26 citations of an article]