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1st most cited author in Pathology at University of Ottawa (2010) [with 172 citations of 1 articles]
1st most cited paper in Nephrology at University of Ottawa (2010) [with 195 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Nephrology at University of Ottawa (2012) [with 304 citations of an article]
2nd most cited paper in Pediatrics at University of Ottawa (2010) [with 195 citations of an article]
3rd most cited paper in Immunology at University of Ottawa (2010) [with 172 citations of an article]
5th most cited paper in Nephrology at University of Ottawa (2016) [with 201 citations of an article]
6th most cited paper in Nephrology at University of Ottawa (2014) [with 150 citations of an article]
7th most cited paper in Immunology at University of Geneva (2010) [with 172 citations of an article]
9th most cited author in Pathology at University of Geneva (2010) [with 172 citations of 1 articles]
10th most cited paper in Nephrology at University of Ottawa (2018) [with 73 citations of an article]
20th most cited paper in Nephrology at University of Ottawa (2021) [with 55 citations of an article]
26th most cited paper in Immunology at University of Ottawa (2020) [with 97 citations of an article]
70th most cited paper in Immunology at University of Ottawa (2017) [with 32 citations of an article]