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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer191,021107117
2Journal of Hazardous Materials36743.2K712
3Composites Part B: Engineering5376420439
4Applied Sciences (Switzerland)10340311151
5Chemical Engineering Science6321539447
6Applied Thermal Engineering91942931.1K
7Fire Safety Journal61787187
8Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing2174863730
9Combustion and Flame21651.4K787
10Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications101602059
11Building and Environment4156682972
14Surface and Coatings Technology11304.1K1.3K
15Applied Mathematical Modelling3123406502
16Lab on A Chip11193.5K2.5K
17Chemical Engineering Journal21178.9K9.5K
18Journal of Applied Polymer Science31163.6K2.2K
20International Journal of Hydrogen Energy31134.6K5.1K
22Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow611024
23Nuclear Engineering and Design2105768284
24AICHE Journal21001.6K1.3K
24Composites Science and Technology21001.1K1.7K
26Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows128415
28Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification183977436
30Polymer Testing1771.4K704
31International Journal of Thermal Sciences274610699
32Energy & Fuels4711.8K4.0K
33Energy Procedia1693.7K1.3K
34Journal of the Energy Institute36492231
35Journal of Computational Science263110205
36Aerosol Science and Technology259494704
36Journal of Fluids and Structures159659418
38Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis3553721.3K
39Fuel Processing Technology1521.5K2.1K
39International Journal of Multiphase Flow352250638
41Energy and Buildings1512.9K3.4K
41International Journal of Engine Research151475189
43Computational Thermal Sciences34966
44Reactive and Functional Polymers147805899
44Journal of Materials Science2473.2K6.4K
46Powder Technology1442.8K3.1K
48Scientific Reports24355.6K64.0K
48Journal of Fluid Mechanics1435.0K4.3K
48Polymer Reviews14332245
51International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow339121259
51Journal of Fire Sciences13910666
53Polymer International1381.6K1.5K
54Computers and Chemical Engineering1351.3K1.4K
54Computers and Fluids1351.2K1.2K
56Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals23494146
57Construction and Building Materials1337.9K9.5K
57Particulate Science and Technology133253123
59International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics132124104
59Building Simulation132252343
61Applied Acoustics1311.0K1.0K
61Fire and Materials131341267
63International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering1301.5K2.1K
63Journal of Nanoparticle Research1302.3K3.1K
63International Journal of Refrigeration1301.1K1.2K
63Heat and Mass Transfer330128602
67Journal of Manufacturing Processes1291.1K1.7K
68Combustion Science and Technology328210563
68Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine128139147
70Journal of Crystal Growth1273.2K3.3K
70Journal of Building Engineering1272.9K1.7K
73Safety Science1269822.0K
73ACS Applied Polymer Materials1261.9K1.6K
75Chemical Engineering Research and Design1252.9K4.8K
76International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow324157890
77Flow Measurement and Instrumentation123353410
77Current Problems in Surgery1234499
77Case Studies in Fire Safety12334
80Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics1217.6K5.9K
80Sensors and Actuators A: Physical1212.3K4.3K
80Journal of Heat Transfer2213311.1K
80BMC Biology1217654.2K
84SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants12043
84Composites Part C: Open Access1208691
87Nuclear Science and Engineering219192253
88Intensive Care Medicine1182.3K5.7K
89Journal of Medicinal Chemistry1179.9K20.3K
90Bulletin of Materials Science1167921.3K
90Composites Communications1164541.0K
92Annals of Nuclear Energy4154141.4K
94Physics of Fluids1139.2K9.5K
94Artificial Organs1131.3K2.6K
96IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine1129601.8K
97Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering1111.2K2.3K
97Fire Safety Science1111519
99Behaviour Research and Therapy1101.2K3.0K
99Microfluidics and Nanofluidics1108592.5K
101International Journal of Pharmaceutics195.1K12.9K
101International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids198231.9K
101Modelling and Simulation in Engineering397168
104Experiments in Fluids181.1K2.7K
104European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids183941.1K
104Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik185731.1K
108European Journal of Organic Chemistry176.4K14.7K
108International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing1786378
110Procedia Engineering163.6K7.8K
110Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes162.3K7.0K
112Journal of Aerosol Science157061.9K
112Ocean Engineering154.1K7.1K
112International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer159122.5K
112Journal of Materials Research and Technology153.1K7.6K
112Journal of ASTM International15740
117Transplantation Proceedings141.5K3.8K
117Journal of Biomechanics143.0K8.0K
117Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (Elsevier)14314414
117International Journal of Rotating Machinery1483315
122Journal of Visualized Experiments132.2K14.4K
122Computational Materials Science132.8K7.5K
122Journal of Applied Crystallography131.7K4.7K
122Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME135432.0K
126AIP Conference Proceedings426.5K25.9K
126Journal of Physics: Conference Series1213.6K21.6K
126Wireless Personal Communications122.6K6.9K
126Kew Bulletin12185428
126Indoor and Built Environment122831.3K
131Proceedings of SPIE1115.6K24.3K
131Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering116802.7K
131Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering114.1K3.6K
131Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations11290768
131Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering318424
136IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering104.1K12.9K
136Acta Ophthalmologica101.9K6.2K
136Advances in Mechanical Engineering101.3K5.9K