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59(top 5%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Annals of the American Association of Geographers44351229
2Environment and Planning A26414133
3Political Studies9392119
4Urban Studies63113091
5Political Geography15310130
6Social Science and Medicine32149371.1K
7Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers8196374
8Electoral Studies10187249
9Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties1017914
10European Journal of Political Research317051125
11Urban Geography7166948
12British Journal of Politics and International Relations715628
13Health and Place3140212349
14Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies312963103
16Party Politics51271459
17British Journal of Political Science212676134
18Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie7111743
19Progress in Human Geography81072191
20Political Quarterly1196319
21Studies in Higher Education191352257
22Parliamentary Affairs48689
24Regional Studies281283381
25Geographical Analysis6801688
26Urban Affairs Review1726852
27Australian Geographer6691241
27Population, Space and Place36954138
29Geo Journal6655122
30Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design46418174
31Journal of Sports Sciences1571.8K1.3K
32Geographical Journal4562112
33Space and Polity352434
34American Journal of Political Science150212477
35Annals of the American Association of Geographers149182146
36Geographical Research1481513
37Professional Geographer34725134
37Regional and Federal Studies2472739
39Population Research and Policy Review146167109
40Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties64414
41International Journal of Population Geography: IJPG342739
42Political Behavior141164254
42Geographical Research4411785
44Dialogues in Human Geography3381180
44Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy2383655
46Journal of Economic Geography13798214
47Geographical Review1364336
47Political Analysis136138220
50Housing Studies132208235
51Political Science1302716
51Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science23058116
51Methodological Innovations1301121
55Higher Education Quarterly22533118
55Sociological Research Online125113124
57Environment and Planning C: Urban Analytics and City Science22432315
59Social Science Journal12387118
61Ethnic and Racial Studies121227433
63Local Economy118111113
63Migration Letters1184426
65International Migration115159328
65European Sociological Review115177420
67Political Studies Review3143102
67Policy and Politics21433236
70British Politics313854
72Journal of Historical Geography11252124
72Southern African Geographical Journal11264100
74Asian and Pacific Migration Journal1113972
74Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy1111947
74New Zealand Geographer21158103
77Government and Opposition21012222
77International Journal of Market Research31018178
77Local Population Studies11031
80Journal of Legislative Studies, The3912147
80Health Care Management Science19170528
83Quality and Quantity282111.1K
83Research in Social Stratification and Mobility18101293
83Scottish Geographical Journal2812103
83The AAG Review of Books181914
83Territory, Politics, Governance1852215
88East European Politics and Societies1757122
88Geography Compass1794597
90International Journal of Housing Policy1647183
90Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports162485
93European Political Science1538175
93Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education152563
93Scottish Affairs25735
98PS - Political Science and Politics14256448
98Environment and Planning D: Society and Space14142550
98Interdisciplinary Science Reviews1427158
98History of Education143886
98Australian Journal of Political Science2452263
98State Politics and Policy Quarterly1447131
98Homo Oeconomicus14924
105Journal of Interdisciplinary History1335107
105Public Administration13274916
105Progress in Physical Geography13149854
105Computers, Environment and Urban Systems133351.4K
105European Urban and Regional Studies1372401
105Commonwealth and Comparative Politics132694
111Urban Book Series1278202
112Journal of International Migration and Integration1182645
112Journal of Political Marketing1129137
112Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties11510
115Journal of Social Policy3026678
115Social Science Quarterly102371.0K
115Innovation: the European Journal of Social Science Research1044401
115Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography1098388