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40(top 2%)
80(top 2%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of the American Chemical Society51,4368.6K3.5K
2Physical Review Letters191,2247.2K4.5K
3Physical Review B631,1924632.0K
4Journal of Physics Condensed Matter2644754421
5Lecture Notes in Computer Science537415.0K1.6K
6Physical Review X2255691566
8Journal of Chemical Physics82393.5K4.6K
9Journal of Physics: Conference Series42173.7K77
10Review of Scientific Instruments21825.0K1.0K
11Pattern Recognition5175286822
12Journal of Physical Chemistry C71713.3K7.7K
13Journal of Physical Chemistry A31244.4K3.9K
14Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation21222.5K2.0K
15Physical Review E31196.0K4.8K
16Nature Physics41113864.9K
17Journal of Physical Chemistry B51063.3K8.5K
18Pattern Recognition Letters3102292643
19Journal of Gerontology1972458
19ACS Energy Letters1973.1K3.7K
21Physical Review Materials594325374
22NPG Asia Materials1665901.2K
23Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America16057.8K64.8K
25Nature Communications6475.7K64.9K
26Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters5401.3K10.9K
27Nature Biotechnology1382.7K11.4K
28Scientific Reports23355.6K64.0K
29Europhysics Letters2321.8K3.8K
30Applied Physics Letters23120.0K35.4K
30Advanced Science1313.7K9.9K
32Chemistry of Materials12912.2K22.0K
32European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry1296.0K6.8K
34European Physical Journal: Special Topics1281.1K1.4K
35Physical Review Research3267682.8K
36AIP Conference Proceedings3259.0K2.8K
37Annals of Nuclear Energy3245381.0K
38Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry1231.2K1.8K
38High Pressure Research62355330
40IEEE Transactions on Image Processing1213.2K5.5K
40Global Change Biology1216.4K15.2K
422D Materials2205612.7K
43Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2194.4K16.7K
43Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal)4192040
43ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing1191.1K2.8K
46Remote Sensing21710.0K20.9K
47Journal of Alloys and Compounds3166.2K27.0K
47NDT and E International1165251.0K
47Journal of Surface Investigation41680126
50Surface Science1142.5K4.2K
52Optics and Spectroscopy (English Translation of Optika I Spektroskopiya)213287399
53ACS Omega1129.9K21.6K
54Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics1111.2K2.0K
54ACS Earth and Space Chemistry1111.0K1.8K
56Chemical Physics Letters196.9K13.4K
56Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research193.4K6.1K
56Canadian Journal of Physics29186732
56Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia199352.2K
60Journal of Applied Physics1824.4K42.7K
60American Mineralogist288573.3K
60Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies18190529
63Science Advances1710.9K64.9K
63Journal of Control Science and Engineering1793300
63Neutron Scattering Applications and Techniques17711
63Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals1778135
67Solid State Ionics161.6K4.3K
67International Journal of Thermophysics166271.5K
70Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings856534.4K
70International Journal of Hydrogen Energy1512.5K27.0K
70Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie155391.9K
73EPJ Web of Conferences242.1K3.3K
73Nuclear Science and Engineering14346650
73Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)14143460
78Measurement Techniques13119161
78Physics of the Solid State131.0K2.1K
78Crystallography Reports33137675
82Journal of Materials Chemistry A1220.1K47.4K
82Chemical Physics122.0K6.1K
82ACS Applied Energy Materials125.4K17.8K
82Journal of Neutron Research1268179
82Pramana - Journal of Physics127432.2K
87Biophysical Journal118.4K16.1K
87ECS Transactions113.3K6.4K
87Physics and Chemistry of Minerals115491.7K
87Journal De Physique Colloque2144400
87Condensed Matter11241789
87European Physical Journal Special Topics116381.4K
94Journal of Structural Chemistry104311.4K
94Anales De Pediatría10205833
94Communications Materials101482.1K
94Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics10109276
94Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk101062
94Communications Physics107735.4K