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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Arthritis and Rheumatism72,823393178
2Medical Care82,5266920
3Journal of Ambulatory Care Management291,64311
4Journal of General Internal Medicine121,55710629
6Annals of Internal Medicine4894376341
7Quality of Life Research128704665
8Archives of Internal Medicine3779233276
9BMJ: British Medical Journal13992.3K1.3K
10New England Journal of Medicine33772.2K13.9K
11BMC Medicine13412.3K555
12American Journal of Medical Quality2332513
13Journal of Burn Care and Research43326717
14BMC Health Services Research13104.8K228
15Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery1126560113
16Journal of the American Geriatrics Society5243661994
17Journal of Clinical Epidemiology4179578992
19JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association11535.6K11.1K
22Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation91432011.0K
23Psychiatric Services3127378461
24Journal of the National Medical Association111418928
25Social Science and Medicine11073.9K2.6K
26Journal of Rural Health110427496
27Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes1941.0K588
27Applied Multivariate Research19411
29BMJ Open18722.3K5.4K
30Journal of the American Medical Directors Association4774351.3K
32American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation273339435
33Psychosomatic Medicine1688591.2K
34PLoS ONE56521.4K64.6K
34Journal of Burn Care and Research1651932
36Epilepsy and Behavior2621.4K1.2K
37Women and Health159233153
38Health Services Research356256664
40Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences1482.3K2.9K
40Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes2485272
42Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases347474833
43Journal of Public Health Dentistry146244181
44Research in Nursing and Health144356405
45Journal of Community Health143451503
46AIDS and Behavior1372.1K2.4K
47JAMA Pediatrics1341.3K3.7K
48American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse130453657
49Military Medicine1291.1K714
50International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine127133274
51Academic Pediatrics126760713
51Contemporary Clinical Trials12657229
53Physical Therapy1251.0K2.0K
54Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety1231.4K2.0K
54Drug Development Research123506769
56Health and Quality of Life Outcomes2213903.2K
56Journal of Medical Internet Research1215.6K14.9K
58American Journal of Medicine1202.4K4.7K
59Southern Medical Journal117391520
59Medical Care Research and Review117209412
61Alzheimer's and Dementia1155.6K5.0K
61Alzheimer's Research and Therapy1158982.7K
63Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment2136423.2K
65Journal of Arthroplasty1112.2K4.0K
67International Review of Neurobiology191811.2K
68Journal of Health Communication185141.5K
68Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America1894346
68Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care1830193
68Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology1876251
72Schizophrenia Research173.3K7.4K
72International Journal for Quality in Health Care174852.0K
74Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy1626179
74Journal of Patient Safety2676781
76International Journal of Group Psychotherapy1535117
76Clinical Gerontologist15191738
76JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies1593778
79Journal of Wound Care14167634
80Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine139922.9K
80Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research13171320
83Journal of the American Dental Association124411.3K
84Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology118032.8K
84Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety112401.0K
88Innovation in Aging204551.7K
88Disability and Rehabilitation102.5K8.5K
88JAMA Network Open103.7K19.1K
88Journal of Biomedical Informatics1028141