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Top Institutions (by citations)

#InstitutionArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Ohio University25323,04521
2University of Electronic Science and Technology of China934,82913755
3Center for NanoScience334,2895327
4Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich333,9401.9K1.3K
5University of Michigan162,4395.4K3.2K
6Air Force Research Laboratory81,76231648
7Tel Aviv University191,6632.3K1.3K
8National Institute of Standards and Technology41,1241.6K402
9University of Oxford577514.3K8.4K
10University of Vigo24770277221
11Walsh University262572
12Pusan National University35662.7K566
13Australian National University14397.2K2.0K
14Institute for Advanced Study122638651.5K
15Arizona State University52483.2K2.6K
16Chengdu University10219124117
17list of universities in China52152.1K2.2K
18Wuhan University71593.8K4.6K
19University of Science and Technology of China41437.7K7.1K
20Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute1125495171
21China Institute61201.2K4.0K
22Chengdu University of Information Technology5117144102
23Xidian University11144.5K1.5K
24University of California, Berkeley28314.5K15.4K
25Shenyang University of Chemical Technology27813388
26University of Bordeaux1554.4K3.4K
27National and Kapodistrian University of Athens3345.6K7.1K
28University of Copenhagen23113.4K16.2K
29Changchun University of Technology130373301
30University of Gothenburg1297.2K7.4K
30University of Alberta22910.1K12.4K
30Chalmers University of Technology1294.0K3.9K
34Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics127674686
35Peking University22515.3K19.3K
36University of the Basque Country2134.8K5.9K
37Addenbrooke's Hospital1122.8K3.5K
38Zhejiang University of Technology1112.3K2.9K
39Helsinki University Central Hospital1103.0K4.1K
40Kumamoto University151.9K3.4K
41Shangrao Normal University137397
42Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts124135
43Assiut University111.2K1.9K
43China State Shipbuilding Corporation111148
43Bangladesh Institute of Marine Technology112532
46Goethe University Frankfurt105.7K8.6K
46Erasmus MC108.5K12.6K
46University of Petroleum and Energy Studies10417604
46UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh107891.4K
46Payame Noor University10545977
46Metropolitan Hospital Center10162335
46University Medical Center1023.5K34.9K