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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (7) | Articles (per year) (16) | Citations (Lifetime) (39) | Citations (per year) (83) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (48) | Most Cited Article (per year) (147) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (35) | Low Rankings (per year) (248) |
1st most cited paper in Biology at Vanderbilt University (2005) [with 1,370 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Biology at University of Calgary (2005) [with 1,370 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Physiology at University of Calgary (1992) [with 29 citations of an article]
5th most cited paper in Physiology at University of Calgary (1995) [with 36 citations of an article]
6th most cited paper in Physiology at University of Calgary (1993) [with 66 citations of an article]
7th most cited paper in Biophysics at University of Calgary (1997) [with 44 citations of an article]
34th most cited paper in Education at University of Calgary (2016) [with 48 citations of an article]
39th most cited author in Biology at University of Calgary (2015) [with 113 citations of 3 articles]