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21(top 10%)
42(top 10%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1World Development439791147
2European Journal of Political Research125027875
3Development Policy Review3174520
4Oxford Development Studies11484311
5Social Policy and Administration51411134
6International Journal of Social Welfare21273311
7European Journal of Development Research3831960
8Economy and Society1807268
9Development and Change27737146
10Journal of Latin American Studies1736117
11Bulletin of Latin American Research454310
12Journal of International Development45314153
13SSRN Electronic Journal452451355
14Journal of Aging Studies147108166
15Manchester School14014188
16Social Policy and Society33332131
17Revista De Economia Contemporanea129282
18Higher Education Policy12696125
18International Social Security Review2261022
20Journal of Human Development and Capabilities1253666
21Journal of Development Studies223110606
22Children and Youth Services Review1211.4K1.8K
23Development Southern Africa119177199
23Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies1193577
25Global Social Policy1182656
26Journal of Globalization and Development117818
27Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance115209419
29Applied Economics2115912.5K
29Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health111284750
31Social Indicators Research189673.2K
32Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice1574300
33IDS Bulletin1244205
33Revue Internationale De Securite Sociale1235
35International Social Security Review1155
35International Social Security Review1147
37Sociologia E Politiche Sociali10225