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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1International Journal of Production Economics308,83471
2Journal of Cleaner Production337,828253
3International Journal of Production Research326,03563
4Journal of Operations Management43,375739
5European Journal of Operational Research112,80318021
6International Journal of Operations and Production Management72,288324
7Resources, Conservation and Recycling171,5711813
8Supply Chain Management81,53942
9Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review91,4082810
11Business Strategy and the Environment99221818
12Journal of Environmental Management4729730128
14Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management37127010
15Sustainable Production and Consumption5638132
17Journal of Supply Chain Management147510027
18Industrial Management and Data Systems74092224
19Production Planning and Control43918432
20Technological Forecasting and Social Change3384309209
21Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M1374406
22Resources Policy435917687
23Computers and Industrial Engineering733598143
24Journal of Environmental Psychology1318452131
25Science of the Total Environment229414.1K4.8K
27IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management72283636
28International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management122323421
29Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment2222364152
31International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management2196532
32Annals of Operations Research4193239216
33Expert Systems With Applications31821.3K1.3K
34Accounting, Organizations and Society1172147107
35Ecological Economics3170342759
36Information Systems Frontiers31485382
37Applied Sciences (Switzerland)114628.8K1.0K
38Journal of Enterprise Information Management113618368
39Business Horizons1126111123
40Journal of Industrial Ecology2119329385
41Engineering Economist2117158
42One Earth311629206
43Computers and Operations Research2104724756
44Supply Chain Forum31021318
45Asian Business and Management2992511
46Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management19511579
47IEEE Engineering Management Review1294233
48Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice190805436
49International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management187157150
50Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy185570229
51Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal28228
53International Journal of Agile Management Systems18111
54Environment International1774.4K5.2K
56International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology1755.1K2.3K
56International Journal of Agile Systems and Management275146
58Circular Economy and Sustainability1744917
59Industrial Marketing Management271288720
60Journal of Systems and Information Technology1672015
61Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews1623.8K8.1K
62Science Advances15710.9K26.0K
63Technological and Economic Development of Economy255106136
64International Journal of Information Management151357882
65Management Research Review2481994
66International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing145331239
67Environmental Science & Technology14314.0K20.7K
68International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering14210421
69SSRN Electronic Journal340656461
70Ecological Engineering1391.4K2.3K
71Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain1381212
72International Journal of Advertising137153240
72International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling23778
72Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications137810
75EMJ - Engineering Management Journal1364834
76Business Process Management Journal135207273
77Decision Sciences23393395
78Managerial Auditing Journal13172151
78Information Systems Management13171138
80International Journal of Project Management130305792
80International Journal of Services and Operations Management2305657
82International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications129144262
83Environmental Quality Management2288239
84Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing224176136
85International Journal of Auditing22240145
85Greening of Industry Networks Studies102212
87Nankai Business Review International119613
88Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science Book Series4186942
89Socio-Economic Planning Sciences117298658
89International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems1172549
91Computers in Industry1154771.6K
92JMM International Journal on Media Management1142864
93Global Challenges113211542
94International Transactions in Operational Research111405980
94Profiles in Operations Research211123317
94Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems111522
97Nature Climate Change1102.1K7.3K
97International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics1105892
97Journal of Green Building21015118
100Journal of Manufacturing Systems194121.5K
100Journal of Applied Accounting Research1973235
102Electronic Markets18146544
102Frontiers in Blockchain181574
104International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management271094
104International Journal of Operational Research2758192
104Journal of High Technology Management Research1728156
107Journal of the Operational Research Society165181.5K
107International Journal of Applied Logistics16826
109Information Systems Journal15180652
109International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing1522118
109Manufacturing Research and Technology1514
112Quality Engineering14153368
112Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability1446113
114Greener Management International13418
114Latin American J of Management for Sustainable Development131014
114Frontiers in Sustainable Cities1322286
117International Journal of Technology Management12107459
117International Journal of Business Excellence12102202
119International Journal of Organizational Analysis1184397
120Management Research Review1022120
120Public Administration and Information Technology1050165
120Journal of Design and Manufacturing Automation1045