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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Access151,155518170
2IEEE Internet of Things Journal16776168168
3IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine158621920
4IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems6541410164
5IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology10461525443
6IEEE Wireless Communications2289240221
7IEEE Communications Magazine1202387361
8IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications41561.3K1.2K
9IEEE Network292305571
10Journal of Communications and Networks2897758
11Computer Communications482144516
12IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics1684.3K3.7K
13Wireless Personal Communications2661.3K500
14IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters2601.1K926
15Mobile Networks and Applications256228340
16IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid1452.6K3.3K
17Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing242648621
18Electronics Letters2381.1K1.4K
19China Communications33116250
20IEEE Communications Letters2282.1K3.1K
21Computer Networks3213772.2K
22IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing2171.2K2.8K
23Microwave and Optical Technology Letters2151.8K2.3K
23Future Generation Computer Systems1151.9K4.5K
23IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking115557927
26Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking1146481.2K
27IEEE Systems Journal1132.0K3.8K
28Immunology and Cell Biology1127072.7K
29Mathematical Problems in Engineering272.2K9.2K
30Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience161.6K3.4K
30Mobile Information Systems164921.5K
32IEICE Electronics Express147861.3K
33WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences13120133
34International Journal of Communication Systems129803.3K
34International Journal of Neural Systems123151.4K
34International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies125191.4K
34International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing1285286
38Computers and Electrical Engineering118494.2K
38IEICE Transactions on Communications213481.5K
38International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking112257
38Scientia Sinica Informationis1118133
42Communications in Computer and Information Science1010.7K24.6K
42IET Communications101.0K4.1K
42Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering208605.6K
42IEEE Wireless Communications Letters102.3K5.9K
42Tsinghua Science and Technology10147808
42IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management101.3K4.0K