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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (9) | Articles (per year) (26) | Citations (Lifetime) (17) | Citations (per year) (76) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (28) | Most Cited Article (per year) (119) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (11) | Low Rankings (per year) (195) |
1st most cited paper in Leiden University Medical Center (2018) [with 7,596 citations of an article]
10th most cited author in Autonomous University of Madrid (2022) [with 300 citations of 23 articles]
11th most cited paper in George Institute for Global Health (2024) [with 23 citations of an article]
15th most cited author in Suleyman Demirel University (lifetime) [with 799 citations of 29 articles]
16th most cited paper in Istanbul Medeniyet University (lifetime) [with 443 citations of an article]
19th most cited paper in Sapienza University of Rome (lifetime) [with 7,656 citations of an article]
35th most cited author in Autonomous University of Madrid (2013) [with 717 citations of 10 articles]
58th most cited author in Autonomous University of Madrid (2017) [with 568 citations of 10 articles]
70th most cited author in Autonomous University of Madrid (2014) [with 507 citations of 11 articles]
84th most cited author in Autonomous University of Madrid (2012) [with 410 citations of 10 articles]