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31(top 5%)
47(top 5%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America93722.1K26.8K
2Nature Communications62595.7K31.9K
3Scientific Reports411616.5K38.9K
4Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres81028683.2K
5Journal of Arrhythmia1100611108
6European Physical Journal C19116.9K14.8K
7New Phytologist1898.1K8.4K
8Journal of High Energy Physics3769.9K14.0K
9Journal of the American Geriatrics Society2751.8K3.2K
10Environmental Science & Technology16814.0K16.3K
12Genes, Brain and Behavior264126289
13Current Biology1596.8K14.1K
13Soil Science Society of America Journal1591.3K1.4K
15Pediatric Research1582.8K2.8K
16Atmospheric Environment2572.9K4.8K
17Journal of the American Chemical Society25620.7K48.4K
18Marine Drugs1543.8K3.0K
19American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology1533.4K3.7K
19Genetics in Medicine1532.9K4.3K
21Atmospheric Measurement Techniques2521.9K2.2K
22Angewandte Chemie - International Edition14728.1K46.2K
23Hydrology and Earth System Sciences1452.2K2.5K
24European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery1433.1K2.6K
25Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata141842820
25Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry141275450
28Frontiers in Microbiology13813.8K18.9K
28Nature Geoscience3384856.9K
30Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems1351.7K1.9K
30IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society135554258
32Biomaterials Science1342.0K3.3K
33Journal of Chemical Physics23311.6K18.1K
34Physical Review Letters12941.8K64.9K
34Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology129368841
36Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics3263.9K9.4K
37PLoS ONE12552.2K64.6K
38Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics12424.3K31.0K
38Science Advances2243.0K46.5K
40Animal Genetics123612915
41Current Drug Metabolism1224141.0K
42Geophysical Research Letters3208.3K26.3K
42International Journal of Pharmaceutics1205.1K10.0K
44Chemistry - A European Journal21911.4K35.0K
44Calcified Tissue International1199972.7K
44European Journal of Pain1199642.0K
44Computational and Theoretical Chemistry219412961
44European Journal of Wildlife Research1196561.0K
49Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society117679311
49Oncology Reports1172.2K6.1K
51BMC Nephrology1161.6K3.4K
53Annals of Oncology1151.6K3.2K
53Marine Biology1151.8K4.2K
53Climate of the Past1151.2K2.1K
56Accident Analysis and Prevention1141.6K3.6K
56Bone Reports114159439
58European Journal of Radiology1132.7K6.2K
59Journal of Applied Physics11224.4K37.0K
61Nature Climate Change1112.1K7.2K
61Atmospheric Environment: X11181230
63Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity1105.1K15.9K
63IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management1101.3K2.2K
63ACS Earth and Space Chemistry1101.0K1.9K
66Software and Systems Modeling17296716
67Academic Emergency Medicine161.1K3.5K
68Angewandte Chemie1427.5K49.1K
68Nature Biotechnology142.7K13.5K
68Numerical Algorithms146261.5K
68Wuli Huaxue Xuebao/ Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica1474386
72Revista De Logopedia, Foniatria Y Audiologia123190
73Environmental Research116.3K21.4K
73Molecular Biology Reports112.7K14.4K
73International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging111.6K5.6K
73Journal of Common Market Studies112951.2K
73Journal of Thermal Science112801.2K
78Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery103.2K8.6K
78FASEB Journal1019.6K38.4K
78Materials Research Express104.8K18.0K
78Journal of Social History107129
78Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base108471.8K
78Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology: JCEH1097451