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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2Neural Networks191,336934
3IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems131,0148639
4Journal of the Franklin Institute269821310
5Information Fusion14922660
6IET Control Theory and Applications2178377
7Journal of Molecular Liquids10683378143
8Journal of Colloid and Interface Science16409.8K417
9IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics5609497230
10PLoS ONE165771.2K4.3K
11International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control175534553
12Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems450026117
13ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces114961.4K2.9K
14Chinese Journal of Physics8491308
15Journal of Materials Chemistry A74762.4K3.1K
16Applied Mathematics and Computation11470157122
17IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems6451456333
18International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer7430562415
19International Journal of Systems Science18385933
20International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics63792411
21International Journal of General Systems1137159
22Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects33631.5K217
23Results in Physics113546068
24Journal of Lightwave Technology23343.6K493
25Information Sciences9324175463
26Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry13319112139
27International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems16302923
28Cognitive Computation32926322
29International Journal of Fuzzy Systems229017112
30AIP Advances628828229
31International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing72753324
32Nonlinear Dynamics8270221311
33Chaos, Solitons and Fractals6263308305
34IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing8262367685
35Ecological Indicators22461.4K469
36Nucleic Acids Research124115.2K7.0K
36International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer1241912159
38Journal of Cell Biology12344.8K4.0K
38Signal Processing7234133239
40Soft Computing4229281146
41IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems3227590466
42IEEE Access102241.4K3.1K
42Computers in Biology and Medicine822456238
44Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences112162512
45Advanced Energy Materials12145.8K4.9K
46Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine620677263
47Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America219528.1K50.5K
48Physics of Fluids21945.1K878
49Neural Processing Letters91891025
50Journal of Cell Science11864.2K2.0K
51Scientific Reports518410.0K18.1K
52IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications4183407790
53Molecular Pharmacology11751.6K843
54Environmental Science and Pollution Research117214.7K1.9K
55International Journal of Hydrogen Energy21707.0K3.3K
56Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology21581.5K586
57Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering91441836
58Journal of the Acoustical Society of America21392.2K1.2K
59Journal of Clinical Microbiology11364.6K2.7K
60European Physical Journal Plus1112144340
62International Journal of Intelligent Systems2118343226
63Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics3117702413
65Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films11142.1K413
65Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments1114286
67Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control61101014
68Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications41089841.2K
69Asian Journal of Control81062173
69Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers3106642670
71Plant and Soil11053.3K2.1K
71Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics21056722
73Geophysical Research Letters110317.7K10.8K
73Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry11035.0K2.2K
75Neural Computing and Applications810163700
77Biochemical Journal21002.2K4.0K
78Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics1993.5K989
78Pramana - Journal of Physics89922109
81Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems59436110
83Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland)69243227
86Journal of Vascular Surgery1902.3K1.1K
86Environmental Pollution2904.7K6.4K
86Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics3903629
89Materials Science and Engineering C1885.1K3.6K
90Advanced Functional Materials18614.7K18.8K
91Journal of Cleaner Production2836.0K10.7K
91AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications183942207
93Electronics Letters1822.3K523
93Journal of Materials Chemistry C18212.0K6.8K
95Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials2813.3K2.0K
96Photochemistry and Photobiology1791.6K878
98Plant Cell1755.0K8.9K
98Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences875102339
100Science China Materials374153492
101Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis47347112
102Geological Society Special Publication1711.6K677
103Journal of Materials Science2703.2K3.7K
104New Phytologist1688.1K10.3K
106European Physical Journal: Special Topics465115918
107Journal of Nutrition1633.4K4.0K
108Lancet Infectious Diseases, The1602.7K5.9K
109Journal of Nuclear Medicine1592.1K3.0K
112Science China Chemistry1571.4K1.0K
112IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing Over Networks4572286
114International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering256700581
114Journal of Production Agriculture1561122
116Genome Biology1552.4K6.8K
116Journal of Function Spaces15575244
118International Journal of Cancer1549.2K13.1K
118Freshwater Biology1541.5K1.7K
120Journal of Biological Chemistry15333.0K44.5K
120IEEE Sensors Journal15311.1K4.5K
120Advances in Difference Equations453191301
124ACS Catalysis1518.6K12.1K
125IEEE Transactions on Magnetics1504.6K2.0K
125Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A1502.3K2.9K
127Journal of Process Control148650614
127JMIR MHealth and UHealth1482.0K3.1K
129Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry347837738
129IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology1476.6K5.1K
131Physical Review Applied1464.4K2.7K
131Journal of Optical Communications and Networking146631431
133Physical Review A2459.0K10.7K
133International Journal of Control1451.2K856
133Energy Technology1451.3K872
136Feminist Media Studies1449268
137Annalen Der Physik34392647
137ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering3432.2K11.3K
137Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing543105402
137AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal143843809
137Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management1433221
137Advances in Nonlinear Analysis5431157
143International Journal of Molecular Medicine1421.2K1.4K
143Contact Lens and Anterior Eye242205238
143Journal of Nonlinear Science34247196
143IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers1422.7K1.9K
147IEEE Transactions on Communications1413.3K2.5K
147Journal of the Formosan Medical Association1411.6K824
150IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering340216620
151Health and Quality of Life Outcomes1391.1K1.9K
154Multimedia Tools and Applications1374.2K2.4K
156Journal of Central South University236363358
157Journal of Physical Chemistry C13526.2K28.8K
157ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering1352.0K3.0K
157Complex & Intelligent Systems23579316
160BioMed Research International3331.8K13.6K
160Immunity and Ageing133164389
162Radiotherapy and Oncology1323.3K4.1K
162Physics and Chemistry of the Earth132402640
162Applied Linguistics13278157
165Journal of Biomechanics1313.0K3.9K
165Mathematical Problems in Engineering5313071.7K
165Developmental Psychology1311.4K2.3K
165Journal of Aerospace Engineering231102158
169Annals of Surgery1303.0K6.5K
169International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems130675551
169China Economic Review130207453
169International Journal of Biomathematics33039102
169Nonlinear Engineering1308181
174Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences1291.3K1.5K
175Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)128357290
175Science China Information Sciences328225924
175Journal of Avian Biology128819946
175Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications22849101
179International Journal of Modern Physics B1271.6K657
179Measurement Science and Technology1272.7K2.2K
179Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology1272.0K3.0K
179Aquatic Toxicology1271.8K3.3K
179Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics127555192
179Open Mathematics2279293
179International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation127209131
186Journal of Bone and Mineral Research1262.6K6.5K
186Geriatrics and Gerontology International1261.1K1.2K
186Assembly Automation12690120
189Atmospheric Environment1254.9K7.5K
189Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing1254.6K4.7K
189Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics1251.9K5.3K
189Journal of Hydrodynamics125251247
189Perioperative Medicine (London, England)12580139
194RSC Advances12441.4K51.6K
194Applied Mathematics Letters2245391.1K
194Journal of Natural Fibers124749596
194Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja124510510
194Pathogens and Disease124279657
194Monatshefte Für Chemie Und Verwandte Teile Anderer Wissenschaften12422
201Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity1235.1K10.2K
201IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs1233.4K2.4K
201Automation and Remote Control1237049
201Sub-Cellular Biochemistry12379529
205Physical Review Letters12241.8K64.9K
205Indian Journal of Pediatrics122779575
205Modern Physics Letters B1221.2K535
205Biomass and Bioenergy1221.5K4.0K
205Open Physics222139207
205European Journal of Control122368424
205Cognitive Neurodynamics122251455
212Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces1214.6K10.5K
212Microgravity Science and Technology121322320
214Journal of Natural Products1203.4K6.1K
214Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing220160292
214Thermal Science and Engineering Progress120392473
217Virchows Archiv Fur Pathologische Anatomie Und Physiologie Und Fur Klinische Medizin1191.5K3.1K
217IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications1194.0K4.8K
217Stochastic Analysis and Applications31960159
222Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry1181.6K4.6K
222Astrophysical Journal11821.3K26.7K
222Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Rivista Internazionale Della Società Italiana Di Fisica1186352
222Annals of Epidemiology1181.1K2.4K
222Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society318188562
222Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery118346329
222International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering118383208
222Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering11892107
222Materials Advances1188581.5K
222Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation1187918
233Frontiers in Oncology1177.8K14.1K
233Applied Soft Computing Journal1172.7K6.4K
233Microscopy Research and Technique1171.3K2.5K
233ACS Applied Energy Materials1175.4K10.3K
233Frontiers of Physics117227650
233Water, Air, and Soil Pollution1172.4K4.9K
239Pediatric Nephrology1161.9K3.6K
239Anatomical Record1161.0K1.8K
239Journal of Adult Protection, The1163730
239International Journal of Biomedical Imaging11677295
239Glycoconjugate Journal1164481.2K
244Neural Computation1155971.4K
244Journal of Healthcare Engineering1155801.5K
247Frontiers in Immunology11415.3K36.9K
247Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics1142.7K4.3K
247Journal of General Psychology11469163
247International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering1141.2K940
247Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering114255459
252Journal of High Energy Physics11319.1K41.4K
252Journal of Hazardous Materials11310.2K27.0K
252European Journal of Organic Chemistry1136.4K11.7K
252International Journal of Theoretical Physics2136181.0K
252Acta Histochemica Et Cytochemica113133255
252Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A113322681
252Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry11366112
259European Physical Journal C11216.9K40.3K
259Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases1121.2K2.1K
259Natural Hazards1121.8K5.4K
259Theoretical Chemistry Accounts1121.2K2.0K
259Journal of Urban Health1125161.8K
259Ecological Informatics1123561.4K
259Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences1123053
268Applied Physics Letters11132.8K53.7K
268Scientific World Journal, The2115256.7K
268Mathematics and Computers in Simulation1118261.8K
268Knowledge-Based Systems1112.4K5.6K
268Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)1113.4K4.1K
268International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow111374682
268Journal of Food Quality1116851.7K
268Advances in OptoElectronics1111848
268Human Reproduction Open111242446
268Heat Transfer111422516
268Journal of Control and Decision1112194
268Fractal and Fractional111984841
280Frontiers in Psychology11011.0K23.2K
280International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology1102.8K7.4K
280International Journal of Thermophysics1106271.2K
280Clinical and Experimental Hypertension110392975
280Transboundary and Emerging Diseases1101.7K3.7K
280Lithuanian Mathematical Journal1106046
280Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports110278646
288Journal of Molecular Biology195.9K15.5K
288Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres196.9K11.9K
288IEEE Systems Journal192.0K4.5K
288Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology19341470
288Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India19159228
288Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing19203481
288Journal of Physics Communications19190487
297Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics186411.9K
297Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound185001.0K
297Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology18393699
300Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy272.9K12.5K
300Abstract and Applied Analysis275271.3K
300IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information2741247
300Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering173691.6K
305Journal of Applied Physics1624.4K46.0K
305RoFo Fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiet Der Rontgenstrahlen Und Der Bildgebenden Verfahren16316691
305Separation Science and Technology161.2K3.6K
305Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology161.0K2.7K
305Zeitschrift Für Physik C-Particles and Fields164112.5K
305Applied Magnetic Resonance165491.1K
305Quantum Information Processing161.1K1.8K
305Quaestiones Mathematicae16179210
305Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi, The16365500
305Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society26101498
305International Hospitality Review16931
305AIMS Mathematics16460765
305Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science16265600
320Lecture Notes in Computer Science1554.0K55.2K
320Microwave and Optical Technology Letters153.0K4.6K
320Vox Sanguinis156482.0K
320Reproductive BioMedicine Online151.1K3.2K
320Advances in Mechanical Engineering352003.5K
320Journal of the Society for Information Display15251603
320Journal of Applied Gerontology153681.3K
320Preventing Chronic Disease153931.6K
320Clinical Spine Surgery15289814
320Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science1526
320Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine155881.7K
320Science Bulletin151.7K5.0K
332JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association145.6K19.0K
332Biochemical Society Transactions141.6K6.9K
332Physica Scripta144.2K7.3K
332Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery141.2K2.5K
332BMC Research Notes142.0K10.7K
332Clinical Microbiology and Infection141.1K4.0K
332Cell Death and Disease144.8K22.0K
332Computer Journal142871.1K
332Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering142661.6K
332Journal of Vision142.1K2.8K
332Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience147481.2K
332Electronics (Switzerland)148.1K16.6K
332Physics of Metals and Metallography14298625
332International Journal of Vehicle Design14108313
332SPE Drilling Engineering14116
349Journal of Applied Polymer Science1310.5K28.1K
349BMJ Open1322.3K55.3K
349Water (Switzerland)1311.2K26.5K
349Tissue Engineering - Part A131.3K4.5K
349Cell Proliferation135223.2K
349Journal of General Plant Pathology13229781
349Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems13169317
349Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure1339
349Case Reports in Orthopedics13388812
358IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering124.1K8.1K
358Optics Communications123.8K9.4K
358Computers and Mathematics With Applications121.8K5.0K
358Journal of Heat Transfer126602.5K
358Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society127572.3K
358Biodiversity and Conservation121.6K7.2K
358Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica1272287
358Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases1270177
358Addictive Behaviors Reports12141863
358Electronic Research Archive1225126
358Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional1222
370Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal112.0K6.6K
370Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology111.2K3.8K
370Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology117072.3K
370Iranian Studies111880
370Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Akupunktur111325
370Acta Geodaetica Et Geophysica Hungarica111234
370Current Tropical Medicine Reports1135363
370Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica1158170
370Journal of Postgraduate Medicine1115105
370Mediterranean Marine Science11186606
370Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S11230793
382Notes and Queries1095116
382Value in Health101.2K4.6K
382Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise104.2K8.1K
382Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online103.0K7.2K
382Digestive Diseases and Sciences103.1K12.5K
382European Journal of Public Health101.8K6.1K
382Thrombosis and Haemostasis102.3K8.7K
382Australasian journal of optometry, The105021.6K
382University of Toronto Quarterly10226
382ISLE Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment10952
382Educational Studies in Mathematics10311992
382Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine109338.3K
382Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology103141.6K
382Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology1051557
382Current Emergency and Hospital Medicine Reports1028114
382Nepal Journal of Neuroscience1013783
382European Psychiatry (Ed Española)10263
382IMC Journal of Medical Sciences10316
382Planta Medica International Open1021204
382International Journal of Laboratory Hematology1024286
382Meraja Journal1014
382Czech Chemical Society Symposium Series (On-line)1010