226(top 1%)
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29(top 5%)
44(top 5%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Applied Mathematics Letters533212237
2Advances in Difference Equations222451949
3Results in Physics5218207148
4Journal of Inequalities and Applications22171930
5AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal3167217149
6Fixed Point Theory and Applications61194439
7Abstract and Applied Analysis101164350
8AIMS Mathematics1892847
9Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications490694657
10Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications1580230
11Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems577175257
12Pure and Applied Chemistry174877673
13Journal of Mathematical Inequalities4721318
14Computers and Mathematics With Applications1681.8K849
16Nanotechnology Reviews26593235
17Applied Mathematics and Computation1583.4K1.7K
18Journal of Difference Equations and Applications25613677
18Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques15613330
20Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas Y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas4476666
21Fuzzy Sets and Systems145981903
22Journal of Mathematical Physics2441.3K1.2K
24Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series637545
25IEEE Access23523.4K29.5K
25Results in Mathematics935691
27Palgrave Communications13446209
28Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing33280150
29Scientific Reports33129.0K64.0K
31Open Mathematics627393
32PLoS ONE12352.2K64.6K
32Case Studies in Thermal Engineering2234791.1K
34AIP Advances1226.6K4.1K
35Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications22166127
36Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME120485873
37Journal of Biochemistry1199572.0K
38Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences2184958
40International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics51797353
41Acta Mathematica Scientia116197186
42Mathematische Nachrichten114524587
43Journal of Chemistry1111.3K2.6K
43Fractal and Fractional211490841
45Mathematical and Computer Modelling174341.4K
46Chinese Journal of Physics165931.2K
46Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation361580
49Aequationes Mathematicae13203442
49Information (Switzerland)131.1K3.7K
49Complex Analysis and Operator Theory13246494
53Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B12106377
53Ricerche Di Matematica12129388
53Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics1262239
53Annali Dell'Universita Di Ferrara1269212
57Canadian Mathematical Bulletin11157704
57Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization11303884
57Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society11116469
57Boletim Da Sociedade Paranaense De Matematica1183208
57Journal of Mathematics118491.9K
57Reference Series in Biomedical Engineering11187
57Boundary Value Problems11313827
57Korean Journal of Mathematics11515
65Applied Sciences (Switzerland)1028.8K61.8K
65Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo10158719
65Acta Applicandae Mathematicae103081.4K
65Mathematica Slovaca10220751
65Afrika Matematika10205627
65Springer Optimization and Its Applications7016695
65Journal of Taibah University for Science102961.5K
65Journal of Analysis1080331