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21(top 10%)
38(top 10%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics5400538453
2IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics53431.5K1.2K
3IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics92227851.6K
4IEEE Access4968.5K10.0K
5IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems1832.1K1.3K
6IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery2691.2K1.3K
8IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology3382.5K5.9K
9IET Control Theory and Applications2355851.1K
10IEEE Transactions on Education23463301
11Mathematical Problems in Engineering1206.2K3.0K
11IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy1201.2K2.6K
13Optical Engineering1181.4K1.4K
13Pattern Analysis and Applications118205465
15Soft Computing1172.0K3.6K
15IEEE Transactions on Power Systems2171.7K4.5K
17IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs1163.4K3.3K
18IET Power Electronics1141.2K2.0K
19Applied Sciences (Switzerland)21111.9K34.7K
19IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution2118883.4K
21IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine110192521
21IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers2101.3K4.6K
23IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology191.5K3.5K
24Neural Computing and Applications172.4K7.5K
24Geomagnetism and Aeronomy17161250
26IET Image Processing165992.0K
27Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications146211.4K
27Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems244.1K3.4K
29Journal of Visualized Experiments132.2K14.4K
29Abstract and Applied Analysis131.1K2.0K
29Asian Journal of Control138422.7K
29IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering134051.1K
29IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics231.2K5.0K
29IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies132761.1K
35IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering121.5K3.9K
35Journal of Power Electronics12233838
38Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control116422.6K
40Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing101.9K10.2K
40IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics10231976