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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Expert Systems With Applications343,57146
2Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems441,64652
3Information Sciences101,41213653
5International Journal of Production Economics61,20016554
6International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems241,02611
7Logistics Information Management195551
8Knowledge-Based Systems108895044
9Soft Computing108394018
10Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence116891317
11European Journal of Operational Research15643.4K319
12Applied Soft Computing Journal1055359107
13Safety Science254447146
14International Journal of Intelligent Systems84533330
15Technological and Economic Development of Economy14386711
16Journal of Enterprise Information Management11306213
17Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing3830448
18Computers and Industrial Engineering3297480174
19Waste Management12462.2K615
20Computers in Industry1237477120
21Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management1234524
23International Journal of General Systems120017326
24Science of the Total Environment119726.1K8.0K
25Journal of Materials Processing Technology11841.8K504
26Springer Optimization and Its Applications7171165
27Energy Strategy Reviews114826384
28Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing3114044111
29Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA)51293793
30Basic Research in Cardiology1116593389
31European Journal of Information Systems1105177197
32Biology of Reproduction11032.3K1.6K
33Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment3102189240
34Journal of Business Economics and Management21017133
35International Journal of Production Research1931.9K1.1K
36Computational Statistics and Data Analysis1901.0K384
37International Journal of Fuzzy Systems38083120
38Journal of Civil Engineering and Management27596109
39Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment174892813
40Age and Ageing1551.4K1.7K
41International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making2545081
42Physics of Fluids1519.2K3.7K
44Socio-Economic Planning Sciences143298254
44Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems254314140
46Journal of Intelligent Systems2424140
47Optical Materials Express1361.7K1.4K
48Studies in Systems, Decision and Control153437125
49Robotics and Autonomous Systems1337961.3K
49Artificial Intelligence in Medicine1334241.3K
51International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems131195167
51Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems43111
53Complex & Intelligent Systems33037385
54European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases12710195
55Intelligent Systems Reference Library62251113
56International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process120186
57Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences1181984
57Engineering Economics2183584
57World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engingeering and Information Science41812
60Fuzzy Sets and Systems1169811.5K
60Cerebral Cortex1163.7K9.0K
62Green Energy and Technology115730268
62Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing115535227
65Studies in Computational Intelligence1112.3K1.6K
66International Journal of Technology Management19107336
66Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making19101310
68Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy187212.4K
69Profiles in Operations Research26123442
73Review of Scientific Instruments149.8K22.1K
73Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series1428100
73International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering142657
73Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-services Book Series14400215
77AIP Conference Proceedings1223.9K25.9K
77Lecture Notes in Computer Science1254.0K60.4K
77Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets421113
80Fluid Dynamics1192278
80Granular Computing1194366
80Recent Patents on Engineering1169209
80Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies Book Series11360539
80Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics Book Series21199672
85Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift103151.9K
85International Journal of Approximate Reasoning105521.7K