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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences332,16736
2International Journal of Plasticity191,1791326
3Computers and Geotechnics3392729
4Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering24906721
5Mechanics of Materials12607921
6International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics24535222
7International Journal of Solids and Structures7531216123
8Acta Geotechnica132571049
9International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics424714
10Natural Hazards3196356274
11Applied Clay Science3191445352
12Mechanics Research Communications14184332
13Cement and Concrete Composites5177208495
14Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2146669553
15Computational Materials Science4137491587
16Cement and Concrete Research4131289903
16European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids513159143
18Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE4130172206
19European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering12123121
20Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering41217871.2K
21Engineering Geology4118222712
22Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering21051.2K773
24Engineering Fracture Mechanics4101341636
25Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering48244164
26International Journal of Damage Mechanics4801970
28Physics and Chemistry of the Earth377109265
29Transport in Porous Media476153398
30Comptes Rendus - Mecanique2572632
31Oil and Gas Science and Technology2553560
32Water Science and Engineering249726
33Materials Letters1467.3K4.7K
34Construction and Building Materials1427.9K8.3K
35Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering2417701.2K
36International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering1381.5K1.7K
36Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica23897118
38Energy Procedia1373.7K2.6K
39International Journal of Geomechanics233422677
40Computers and Structures1328321.3K
41Comptes Rendus - Geoscience130513640
42Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment3262701.2K
43International Journal of Mechanical Sciences2219103.3K
43International Journal of Engineering Science121519884
45Canadian Geotechnical Journal120519921
45Geotechnique Letters120107141
47Materials and Structures/Materiaux Et Constructions3192661.7K
48Engineering Structures1183.5K5.2K
49Advances in Materials Science and Engineering1171.8K1.8K
49Comptes Rendus - Mecanique31737361
51Arabian Journal of Geosciences1162.4K2.5K
52Applied Soft Computing Journal1152.7K6.8K
52KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering1151.2K1.7K
54Underground Space (China)11346167
56Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology1118631.9K
56Geomechanics and Geoengineering11190177
58Materials Today Communications198892.8K
59Applied Sciences (Switzerland)1828.8K43.4K
59International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences181126
59Revue Européenne De Génie Civil68834
62Journal of Central South University178002.1K
62Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics17339771
62Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine273059
62Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering771386
66Revue Française De Géotechnique261210
67Science China Technological Sciences141.1K4.3K
68Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics135491.6K
70Mecanique Et Industries1260144
71IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science111.9K4.7K
71Procedia Engineering113.6K10.9K
73AIP Conference Proceedings1023.9K43.2K
73Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering104.1K6.0K
73Environmental Geotechnics10123542
73RILEM Bookseries107901.4K
73Comptes Rendus De L'Academie De Sciences - Serie IIb: Mecanique, Physique, Chimie, Astronomie101560