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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Lecture Notes in Computer Science1492,838761
2Theoretical Computer Science841217545
3Information and Computation62692316
4Performance Evaluation32306117
5Computer Journal117228711
6Formal Methods in System Design51701223
7International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer7150634
8European Journal of Control114136846
9Genome Biology11105511.7K
10IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics21092.0K2.3K
11IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering2102402377
12Reliability Engineering and System Safety297707735
13Science of Computer Programming4865080
14The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming369816
15European Physical Journal C16816.9K17.8K
16Computer Physics Communications1671.9K1.4K
17Communications of the ACM164275609
18Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science56398111
19Distributed Computing2535463
20Journal of Experimental Biology1383.5K4.5K
21Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science137820719
22IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology2361.1K226
23Cluster Computing133626655
24Physical Review D13223.9K21.0K
25Computer Networks231729
26Nature Communications12837.6K64.9K
27Journal of Ecology1272.4K4.7K
28Acta Informatica126137149
29ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems12577138
30Formal Aspects of Computing32132155
31BMC Evolutionary Biology1191.6K5.6K
31Mobile Networks and Applications119591960
33IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control2172.1K4.3K
34Physical Review Letters11641.8K64.9K
36Information Processing Letters115656799
36Performance Evaluation Review115151177
38Physical Review B11334.0K51.4K
39Journal of Automated Reasoning112174293
40Journal of Computer and System Sciences111347794
41Biological Trace Element Research192.1K6.0K
42Tetrahedron Letters188.3K15.3K
42International Federation for Information Processing18365408
44Amast Series in Computing1711
45ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems14255494
46Water (Switzerland)1311.2K26.5K
46Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz131.0K3.2K
48Journal of the ACM11137562
48Review of Symbolic Logic1179226
51IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing101.0K3.3K