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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1European Physical Journal C11,22016.9K3.9K
2Decision Support Systems151948366
3European Research on Management and Business Economics328834
4Expert Systems With Applications22612.6K811
5Journal of Business Research3241540655
6Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management21785939
7International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management2135177204
8Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology3106922
9Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services386201593
10Neural Computing and Applications379463999
11Tourism Management Perspectives27757190
12International Journal of Information Management169357737
13International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research468423
14International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents1631.9K1.5K
15Expert Systems34759216
16Tourism Management1467631.7K
17Computers in Industry137477931
18Journal of Information Science133213249
19Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes2323932
20Annals of Tourism Research130426933
20International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management130234330
22International Journal of Management in Education22956
23Future Internet128745669
24Journal of Medical Systems1276921.5K
24International Journal of Hospitality Management1275671.2K
27Telematics and Informatics124269784
29Education and Information Technologies1206171.2K
30European Journal of Marketing118253730
31European Journal of Management and Business Economics1171988
32Tourism Recreation Research21589338
32International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering21511
34Leisure Studies114137364
34Environmental Development11487489
36International Emergency Nursing113206423
37Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research112193441
38Research in Transportation Business and Management111117403
39Applied Sciences (Switzerland)2811.9K43.4K
39Information (Switzerland)181.1K2.3K
39Entertainment Computing1887335
39Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery1896528
43Lecture Notes in Computer Science2633.3K51.1K
43Business Information Review26943
45Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences1584422
45Journal of China Tourism Research15101232
45Research in Learning Technology1535156
50British Journal of Social Work133701.1K
50Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management133221.2K
50International Journal of Tourism Cities1344226
54Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing121.8K2.7K
54Review of Development Economics121811.0K
54International Journal of Health Governance1235141
57IEEE Access2123.4K63.9K
57International Journal of Consumer Studies112611.6K
57Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies112.8K4.4K
60Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing109.8K23.2K
60Transportation Research Record102.6K6.9K
60Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems1010.1K16.0K
60Computers in the Schools1032215
60Social Network Analysis and Mining101981.2K
60Public Administration Issues10224