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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics204,96315120
3IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control11525282440
4IET Control Theory and Applications74658827
5IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems240493765
6IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics5295538704
7ISA Transactions428319194
8IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs824623195
9International Journal of Control3244375139
10IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers4238542220
11IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics5193279408
12IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics5190497962
13International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control7187200280
14IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology6176129447
15Journal of the Franklin Institute5165286255
16Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control9163410
17Powder Technology11372.8K846
18Nonlinear Dynamics41186741.0K
19IET Power Electronics2102581262
20Control Engineering Practice495148431
21Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME285224156
22Chemical Engineering Research and Design1762.9K1.6K
23IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems4705031.5K
24Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing1522.4K2.3K
25Aerospace Science and Technology1491.8K1.2K
26Clinical Cardiology1481.3K806
26IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica34864409
28Advances in Space Research2461.3K1.5K
29IEEE Access24223.4K24.9K
30IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid1392.6K3.5K
31Asian Journal of Control336171475
31International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems236472616
33Journal of Control and Decision1272125
34Critical Reviews in Biotechnology1262671.3K
34Journal of Power Electronics126233138
36Journal of Process Control1236501.0K
37Journal of Aerospace Engineering121294294
40International Journal of Systems Science3143021.7K
40IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering4142892.4K
42Measurement and Control21344225
44Applied Mathematics and Computation1113.4K5.4K
44IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics1116.1K8.9K
44International Journal of Electronics111459509
47Advances in Mechanical Engineering284762.6K
47IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications1890187
47Control Theory and Technology1875154
50Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation172.7K7.9K
50Science China Information Sciences171.0K2.6K
52Electronics (Switzerland)263.4K13.7K
52IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion267333.5K
55IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems231.8K8.6K
56Lecture Notes in Computer Science1254.0K60.4K
56Journal of Central South University128003.2K
56IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles223872.2K
59IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification111.9K3.9K
59IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society11141423
61European Respiratory Journal105.7K14.1K
61Kidney International Reports101.2K3.9K
61Caminhos da Clínica10190