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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Nature Reviews Immunology12525551.5K
2BMJ Open32296.3K1.1K
4Journal of Advanced Nursing4208382434
5European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing120256361
6Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice2173310107
7BMC Geriatrics3170456292
8Journal of Gerontological Nursing41442716
9Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership61161210
10Canadian Journal on Aging71141942
11Western Journal of Nursing Research110335849
12Scientific Reports19455.6K52.7K
12Pain Management Nursing3945035
14Acta Pathologica Et Microbiologica Scandinavica Section A, Pathology19182
15Advanced Materials18815.9K25.5K
16Diabetes Care1784.4K5.6K
17International Journal of Nursing Studies2755111.2K
18Palliative Medicine371274604
19Nursing Research and Practice2682126
20International Journal of Older People Nursing2647860
21Pain Medicine1591.2K750
22Journal of the American Medical Directors Association4584351.6K
22Applied Nursing Research158278164
24International Journal of Palliative Nursing4553367
25Pilot and Feasibility Studies35367133
26Clinical Nursing Research3502867
28SAGE Open Nursing448169
29Journal of Palliative Care2422681
30Aging Cell1411.3K3.7K
30Journal of Aging Studies141108189
32Letters in Organic Chemistry13938544
33American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine238232272
34Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions 1136490562
35Qualitative Health Research135493979
36Quaternary International1342.9K2.8K
37Journal of Pain and Symptom Management1331.8K2.1K
38BMC Palliative Care53249652
39Ocean and Coastal Management1311.1K1.6K
39NursingPlus Open13114
41Geriatric Nursing33072356
42Food Chemistry12911.7K21.0K
42Ageing and Society329105671
44Palliative and Supportive Care227211563
45Death Studies124340463
46International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry1231.5K2.9K
47BMC Nursing122434686
48BMC Psychiatry1202.8K5.8K
48International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics1205354
48JMIR Research Protocols1202.6K3.1K
51Biochemical Engineering Journal1181.2K3.0K
51Canadian Geriatrics Journal21832123
53Public Health Nursing116321552
54Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders115372954
54Annals of Palliative Medicine115392394
54Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine21534214
57Journal of Interprofessional Care1144321.0K
57Pain Research and Management1144341.1K
59Canadian Journal of Public Health1126131.3K
60Aging and Mental Health1111.1K2.8K
61Clinics in Geriatric Medicine11075448
62Journal of Clinical Nursing192.5K6.4K
62Journal of Applied Gerontology19368967
62Endoscopy International Open198861.9K
62Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology19108523
66BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care186451.3K
66Plant Biology185031.7K
66Canadian Journal of Pain1899186
69Medical Physics173.5K8.7K
69Patient Education and Counseling171.8K5.8K
72International Journal of Dermatology151.6K3.8K
72Canadian Journal of Diabetes154861.3K
72Journal of Research in Nursing15137393
72Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology15132228
72Veterinary Sciences151.5K2.1K
77British Journal of Nursing14233722
77International Journal of Clinical Practice141.2K4.5K
77Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing148121.6K
80Journal of Nursing Administration13116432
80Research in Post-Compulsory Education1386207
83Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports1297224
84European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology111.2K4.9K
86American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology103.5K10.1K
86Human Reproduction102.4K8.3K
86Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica - Section B Soil and Plant Science102821.2K
86Pain Management10177850
86Perspectives in Nursing Management and Care for Older Adults20317