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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2Archives of Internal Medicine2987436177
3Blood Advances34691.4K188
4Annals of Pharmacotherapy531110246
5International Journal of Medical Informatics423790159
6CMAJ Open61483740
7Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA3132415779
8BMJ Open101126473.6K
9Implementation Science11061.0K680
10BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making199868422
11Canadian Journal of Cardiology1641.5K920
12BMC Medical Research Methodology1511.1K1.3K
13Journal of the American Geriatrics Society2461.8K4.6K
13Canadian Journal of Psychiatry146685865
13Journal of Health Services Research and Policy146264319
16Thrombosis Research5393822.1K
17Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis237406713
18Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness13158
19Social Science and Medicine1303.9K6.8K
19Health Services Research1307411.1K
21International Journal of Cardiology1299.2K9.9K
22Systematic Reviews124301957
23American Journal of Cardiology1236.2K8.3K
24Clinical Infectious Diseases1227.6K16.4K
24Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare1224001.1K
24European Journal of Epidemiology1221.3K3.5K
27Health Policy2164762.2K
28Polish Archives of Internal Medicine115619411
30PLoS ONE21252.2K64.6K
30Diabetes Care1124.4K11.4K
30Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis1121.5K4.2K
33Canadian Medical Education Journal1118176
35Annals of Intensive Care187052.2K
36Lancet, The1711.2K27.5K
36Journal of Clinical Epidemiology378245.6K
36Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology2712
39Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety161.4K3.8K
39Medical Decision Making166411.9K
39Journal of Clinical Lipidology167322.2K
42Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice157893.1K
43Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis144421.5K
44Annals of Internal Medicine231.1K8.5K
44Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy1361165
44Pilot and Feasibility Studies232043.0K
47Frontiers in Pharmacology126.8K28.7K
48JAAD International11104425
49Medicina (Lithuania)104.8K14.7K
49Studies in Health Technology and Informatics108951.2K
49ACP Journal Club104963
49International Medical Education10746