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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Physical Review B211,4653.0K1.5K
2Nano Letters42853.6K6.5K
3RSC Advances223121.2K2.9K
3Journal of Materials Chemistry A72312.4K7.9K
5Journal of Physical Chemistry C52145.3K6.0K
6Angewandte Chemie - International Edition321311.0K17.6K
7Chemistry of Materials51942.2K6.2K
7Advanced Energy Materials31942.0K5.5K
9Journal of Power Sources41802.4K3.9K
10Applied Physics Letters317814.0K9.7K
11Advanced Materials115415.9K18.7K
12Japanese Journal of Applied Physics11135725960
13Journal of the American Chemical Society51218.6K33.9K
14Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology111818938
15Multiple Sclerosis Journal11051.6K907
16Journal of the American Ceramic Society2833.1K2.9K
17Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics4806.0K12.2K
18Nature Communications27837.6K64.9K
19Solid State Ionics3715811.1K
20Materials Transactions666291530
21Inorganic Chemistry4655.8K11.4K
21Journal of Physical Chemistry B2658.9K12.2K
23Physical Review A16013.8K8.8K
24Journal of Applied Physics25414.2K15.0K
25Acta Materialia3532.1K5.6K
26Journal of the Electrochemical Society3522.9K5.5K
27Science and Technology of Advanced Materials242225960
28European Journal of Social Psychology140660785
29ACS Catalysis1358.6K14.5K
30International Journal of Hydrogen Energy3344.6K14.3K
31ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces4339.1K54.7K
31Science Advances13310.9K39.1K
33Chemical Communications13226.8K38.3K
34Knowledge-Based Systems1312.4K3.2K
35Advanced Materials Interfaces1303.0K4.7K
36Breast Cancer Research and Treatment1293.6K6.4K
37ACS Applied Energy Materials3271.0K7.1K
37APL Materials1271.5K2.5K
39European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology1232.5K2.6K
40Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: JASN1222.9K7.5K
42Journal of Materials Chemistry C11512.0K23.2K
42Materials Science Forum2151.3K978
44Journal of Solid State Chemistry1143.1K5.7K
44Microscopy (Oxford, England)31475300
44Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design114624
47Angewandte Chemie21315.8K34.5K
47Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters113219186
49BMC Medical Genomics1125112.7K
50Dalton Transactions5113.5K27.7K
51Materials Today Communications188893.1K
51Phosphorus Research Bulletin185862
53Journal of Chemical Physics1718.1K33.2K
53Journal of Materials Chemistry176.7K19.0K
57Crystal Growth and Design156.2K14.8K
57Computational Materials Science251.3K6.9K
59Journal of Electron Microscopy1493389
59Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters141.2K4.2K
59Npj Computational Materials148213.1K
62International Journal of Construction Management13212637
63Journal of Physics Condensed Matter128.3K19.9K
63Frontiers in Chemistry121.8K12.1K
63Doklady Physics12221507
63Performance Improvement Quarterly1226150
67ECS Transactions211.9K6.4K
67Scripta Materialia113.1K8.6K
67ACS Omega119.9K42.3K
67Infrared Physics and Technology117312.5K
67Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan116481.9K
73Journal of the Physical Society of Japan102.4K5.4K
73Laryngo- Rhino- Otologie10167608
73Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals10254616
73Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan10187440
73Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology10151380
73Key Engineering Materials101.3K4.2K
73ECS Meeting Abstracts401.5K1.7K