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63(top 1%)
110(top 1%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Psychiatric Services371,40936
2Archives of General Psychiatry41,326139201
4Schizophrenia Bulletin6893454180
5Depression and Anxiety88316854
6American Journal of Psychiatry7783243596
7JAMA Psychiatry871663239
8Journal of Clinical Psychiatry9690100121
9Health Affairs66519059
10Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology762010051
11Drug and Alcohol Dependence16505100266
13British Journal of Psychiatry6409339640
14World Psychiatry2400228258
15Journal of Affective Disorders10341422920
16Psychological Medicine6279367626
17Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry3256695701
18European Journal of Epidemiology12071.3K441
19Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety4206334179
20PLoS ONE418232.5K36.3K
21Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment5149152256
22American Journal of Public Health31319101
23Schizophrenia Research31241.5K1.6K
24Journal of Psychiatric Practice5112734
25International Journal of Social Psychiatry410265184
25Journal of Addiction Medicine210211684
27Addictive Behaviors3827961.3K
28American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry1781.1K834
29Lancet HIV,the1768391.3K
30Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior266221316
31Health Services Research263384607
31Eating Behaviors163508349
33Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences1622.3K2.3K
34Comprehensive Psychiatry161964998
35International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research45243503
36International Psychogeriatrics1511.2K1.1K
37Journal of Dual Diagnosis3502337
38Psychiatry Research5488134.3K
38The Lancet Global Health1481.9K3.4K
40Psychiatric Quarterly245102214
41New England Journal of Medicine1447.9K22.3K
42International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry1431.5K1.9K
45American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse238191549
45Disability and Health Journal138343349
47Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved23779275
48Journal of General Internal Medicine3358603.6K
48General Hospital Psychiatry2353111.1K
50Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry1301.2K1.6K
51HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care12916457
52Community Mental Health Journal32684697
53Bipolar Disorders1249001.8K
53Archives of Suicide Research124232410
55JMIR Research Protocols2237722.5K
56Journal of the American Geriatrics Society2221.8K6.8K
56Journal of the American Statistical Association1221.1K1.7K
58Social Science and Medicine1213.9K8.2K
60Current Psychiatry Reports1203161.5K
60Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness120639627
62American Journal of Emergency Medicine1192.4K2.7K
62Journal of Adolescence1196811.9K
62History of Psychiatry2191433
65Journal of Marital and Family Therapy118195345
65Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research21858306
67Substance Use and Misuse2175061.7K
67Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology2173951.5K
67Journal of Public Health1175701.3K
67JAMA Network Open1173.7K13.2K
71Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research1161676
72Occupational and Environmental Medicine1151.3K2.5K
72The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific115407646
74Preventive Medicine3146626.1K
74Medical Care2145532.5K
74Journal of Psychiatric Research1143.1K6.6K
77American Journal on Addictions2132011.2K
78Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health1111.3K3.9K
78Clinical Trials1113591.1K
80Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease2103872.2K
80Child Abuse and Neglect1101.2K3.4K
80Journal of Aging and Health1104201.3K
83Medical Care Research and Review19209575
83Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences19324936
83Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment1969116
86Psychosomatic Medicine188592.9K
86International Journal of Clinical Medicine182039
88Journal of Psychopharmacology178603.0K
88International Journal of Drug Policy171.4K3.0K
88Global Social Welfare1748153
91American Journal of Epidemiology261.6K8.2K
91American Journal of Preventive Medicine162.1K6.2K
91Lancet Psychiatry,the161.2K3.5K
91Public Health Ethics1667197
96Psychiatric Annals1587267
98BMC Public Health139.7K31.7K
98World Journal of AIDS13745
100Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research122.1K6.8K
100Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine129713.4K
102Current Addiction Reports11131853
103Innovation in Aging109971.7K
103Evidence-Based Mental Health10206905
103Addictive Behaviors Reports101411.0K
103Statistical Theory and Related Fields1033125