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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems231,1804084
2IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics2358518233
3IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics11482178337
5Neural Networks743987162
6Applied Soft Computing Journal1440525197
7IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics43921.9K1.0K
8JAMA Internal Medicine12541.7K1.1K
9IEEE Transactions on Image Processing12153.2K1.1K
10Neural Computing and Applications720281230
11IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control21662.1K1.2K
12IEEE Transactions on Multimedia11542.3K487
13Journal of Vascular Surgery11432.3K742
14IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering1113351303
15IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems10122143859
16IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement71095881.2K
17PLoS ONE110352.2K64.6K
18IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers21021.3K759
19IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems6992751.1K
20Information Sciences7982831.9K
21Artificial Intelligence Review185315424
23Applied Intelligence471113490
24Water Science and Technology365541895
25IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting162572321
26IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica255130358
27Journal of Experimental Biology1483.5K3.8K
27Systems and Control Letters148756724
27IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs4486991.2K
30IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology1471.5K1.6K
31International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control2451.1K1.2K
31Fish Physiology and Biochemistry145776622
33International Journal of Neural Systems138315517
34Asian Journal of Control233354529
35Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering130767813
36Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems1241.4K931
37IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation123568992
38IEEE Transactions on Big Data120303537
39Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology1171.5K3.5K
40Nonlinear Dynamics3151.0K5.4K
42Control Engineering Practice1149242.2K
43Fuzzy Sets and Systems1139811.7K
43Water (Switzerland)11311.2K14.5K
43Journal of Supercomputing1131.3K2.3K
43Optimal Control Applications and Methods113337565
47Expert Systems With Applications41281711.9K
48Science China Technological Sciences181.1K3.3K
49Journal of the Franklin Institute171.7K3.7K
49Advanced Engineering Materials172.1K5.9K
49BMC Cardiovascular Disorders171.3K4.9K
52Neural Processing Letters165681.7K
52International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics1639151
54Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open14170479
55Chemical Engineering Journal1316.5K37.8K
56Glass and Ceramics (English Translation of Steklo I Keramika)1266214
56International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing12135447
56Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems123311.0K
56Revista De Biologia Tropical12319930
60Angewandte Chemie - International Edition1128.1K64.9K
60Applied Energy116.5K19.2K
60Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology111.1K5.5K
60Solar Physics111.3K3.1K
60Der Urologe1172491
60IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing113361.9K
60Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology119323.0K
68IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science101.9K6.9K
68FASEB Journal1019.6K38.4K
68Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence101.5K7.7K
68ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems1086529
68VST - Vie Sociale Et Traitements1015
68Fundamenta Mathematicae1086312
68Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI)1024
68Jurnal Kedokteran Ibnu Nafis1010