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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (25) | Articles (per year) (86) | Citations (Lifetime) (32) | Citations (per year) (94) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (33) | Most Cited Article (per year) (124) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (52) | Low Rankings (per year) (275) |
1st most published author in Public Health at Cochrane (2022) [with 9 articles having 365 citations]
1st most cited author in Public Health at Keele University (2012) [with 179 citations of 1 articles]
1st most published author in Epidemiology at Cochrane (2018) [with 13 articles having 212 citations]
1st most published author in Epidemiology at Cochrane (2019) [with 14 articles having 203 citations]
1st most published author in Epidemiology at Cochrane (2020) [with 11 articles having 103 citations]
1st most published author in Epidemiology at Cochrane (2021) [with 13 articles having 296 citations]
1st most cited paper in Urban Planning at McGill University (2019) [with 62 citations of an article]
1st most published author in Global Health at Cochrane (2022) [with 9 articles having 354 citations]
1st most cited author in Trauma at Department of Education (2019) [with 175 citations of 1 articles]