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1st most cited paper in Public Health at Tulane University (2021) [with 849 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Public Health at Niigata University (2014) [with 85 citations of an article]
5th most cited paper in Endocrinology at Niigata University (2014) [with 47 citations of an article]
6th most cited paper in Metabolism at University of Tsukuba (2013) [with 39 citations of an article]
9th most cited paper in Metabolism at University of Tsukuba (2014) [with 47 citations of an article]
12th most cited paper in Epidemiology at Tulane University (2017) [with 680 citations of an article]
14th most cited paper in Epidemiology at Tulane University (2021) [with 849 citations of an article]
16th most cited paper in Epidemiology at Tulane University (2022) [with 276 citations of an article]
17th most cited author in Nutrition at Harvard University (2022) [with 276 citations of 16 articles]
17th most cited paper in Epidemiology at Tulane University (2020) [with 702 citations of an article]
18th most cited author in Nutrition at Harvard University (2021) [with 839 citations of 15 articles]
23rd most cited paper in Public Health at Kyoto University (2014) [with 135 citations of an article]
28th most cited paper in Epidemiology at Tulane University (2019) [with 583 citations of an article]
29th most cited paper in Epidemiology at Tulane University (2016) [with 200 citations of an article]
36th most cited author in Nutrition at Harvard University (2020) [with 696 citations of 11 articles]
50th most cited paper in Epidemiology at Tulane University (2018) [with 373 citations of an article]