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57(top 1%)
102(top 1%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Environment Systems and Decisions642,01211
2Science of the Total Environment141,927628162
3Risk Analysis271,2021020
4Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management181,026411
5Environmental Science & Technology228864801.7K
6Nature Climate Change15152.1K1.1K
7Journal of Nanoparticle Research548511651
8Scientific Reports439516.5K3.7K
9Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology431215575
10Science Advances126010.9K3.7K
11Energy Policy22231.2K856
12Nature Nanotechnology41982454.5K
13Nano Today518129575
15Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America117257.8K56.2K
16Advanced Materials116315.9K17.9K
17Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine11611.1K515
20Journal of Cleaner Production41262.2K6.9K
21Environmental Research Letters11124.6K2.4K
21Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies11121.2K857
23PLoS ONE610314.6K64.6K
24Journal of Infrastructure Systems31014069
25Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis3961635
26Climate Risk Management18910260
27IEEE Engineering Management Review981337
28NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security108031
29IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans177131188
30European Journal of Neuroscience1724.1K4.5K
31Global Change Biology1686.4K9.6K
31ALTEX: Alternatives To Animal Experimentation268114177
34Risk, Systems and Decisions165811
35Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment1578921.1K
35Journal of Industrial Ecology157628669
37Environment International1564.4K6.7K
38International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction352243818
40Industrial Management and Data Systems146368366
40International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management246616
42Ecological Modelling2458222.4K
43Physical Review E14413.8K11.0K
44Project Leadership and Society142236
45Toxicological Sciences3405622.9K
46IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems1384.3K4.3K
47Nature Physics1356.7K7.9K
48Regulation and Governance134135178
50Safety Science1329821.7K
50International Journal of Information Management1323571.1K
50Building Research and Information132265429
54Environmental Health Perspectives1292.3K5.5K
55Nature Communications32820.9K64.9K
55Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research128394627
55Critical Reviews in Biotechnology1282671.2K
58Molecular Systems Biology1278623.4K
59EMBO Reports1261.8K7.3K
60Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE125552747
61European Journal of Operational Research1243.4K5.3K
62BMC Geriatrics1232.2K3.7K
62Management Research Review12360221
64Nature Energy1229723.8K
65Toxicology and Industrial Health32073656
66Lecture Notes in Energy1199623
66Environmental Sciences Europe219122707
68SAE International Journal of Aerospace11831
69IEEE Access11648.4K53.8K
70Ecological Processes115100300
72Advances in Information Security1143639
74Ecology and Society1127462.3K
74Health Security11281193
74Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence11268313
78American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery1118771.4K
78Frontiers in Public Health2116767.0K
80Journal of Environmental Radioactivity1101.0K2.2K
80Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology1106132.1K
80International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management11098
80Frontiers in Computer Science11024171
84Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology191.0K3.5K
84IEEE Security and Privacy19155349
84Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining194171.3K
87EFSA Journal18247623
87Environmental Science: Nano181.4K4.0K
87Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering181381.0K
90Evidence-Based Medicine1799165
90Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management172589
92Frontiers in Marine Science163.9K9.9K
92Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution169815.2K
92Humanities and Social Sciences Communications163971.0K
96Risk Management and Healthcare Policy153701.8K
97Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA)144201.6K
97Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management14122445
99Lake and Reservoir Management13105429
99European Journal of Futures Research1326147
99Npj Urban Sustainability1373394
102Global Environmental Change118033.3K
102EURO Journal on Decision Processes1118146
105IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine1070380
105Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives10142927
105IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society105541.7K
105Journal of Emergency Management1065321