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11th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (1993) [with 115 citations of 2 articles]
15th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2002) [with 665 citations of 5 articles]
15th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2008) [with 914 citations of 1 articles]
16th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (1999) [with 551 citations of 3 articles]
16th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2012) [with 663 citations of 7 articles]
19th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2000) [with 339 citations of 3 articles]
21st most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2004) [with 535 citations of 4 articles]
22nd most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (1997) [with 227 citations of 2 articles]
23rd most cited paper in Neuroscience at Harvard University (1993) [with 32 citations of an article]
27th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2001) [with 321 citations of 1 articles]
29th most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2003) [with 454 citations of 3 articles]
37th most cited paper in Neuroscience at Harvard University (1997) [with 34 citations of an article]
51st most cited author in Psychiatry at Harvard University (2007) [with 257 citations of 5 articles]
62nd most cited paper in Neuroscience at Harvard University (2005) [with 60 citations of an article]